
“Big brother said he was super duper sorry for touching your boobies, now forgive him like a good little Christian girl.”

correct, shut down TLC, all we are leaning are a horrors of crazy families, we have E! for that

I’d take it further than simply cancelling the Duggar’s show and shutter TLC altogether.

These people ASTOUND me. Because wasn’t casting stones this walking dumpster fire’s JOB?!? He worked for a goddamn hate group, which, along with his family, campaigned actively against LGBTQ+ rights. And a fucking 15-year-old knows better than to diddle little kids.


I’d advise staying away from places like the official Duggar facebook page. The people defending him are about to give me a rage stroke. Lots of “he who hasn’t sinned should cast the first stone,” “it’s normal for young boys to be sexually curious,” “it was in the past,” “god forgives all,” etc. Because you know,

Get this fucking family off tv please

Read the linked In Touch article. They did not turn him in, nor did he get counseling of any kind.

My first thought whenever I see one of these “we don’t fuck until marriage and we date the way god intended, with two or three adult family members in the room at all times” families going on about their virtue and purity and all that, this is all I can think. This kind of weird, embarrassing sexual exploration

I wondered if the girls in question included one or more of his sisters. And then whether they were urged to turn the other cheek. And then I got sad.

Well now I’m worried about his gazzilion sisters and the football team he is surely planning to have with his wife.

I heard most of it on the way into work this morning and I thought Stern pressed enough to get the point across that he thought it was a bad idea without completely derailing the interview. He didn’t just ask one question and let it go, and I wouldn’t say it was a pass either.

Stern is usually a great interviewer but I was disappointed that he didn’t push Pitbull further on this. Why in the world is Chris Brown getting such a pass from everyone in the business?

Um thanks Pitbull but the court did determine what came about and Chris was convicted.

Yes, exactly! “This guy I knew once” figures prominently into many a story lol

You guys could be us. We’re not married but have been together 20 years.

My husband and I not only have never revealed our Number to each other, we have never once talked about any prior relationships. Ever. Married 15 years, together for 20 and happily none the wiser.

Just the tip, just for a second, just to see how it feels.

I’ve had .5 partners in my entire life