
maybe not laughs, but this is sickening. you don't question his idea of "consent" at all. the dolphin did not give consent, full stop. what if this was a human woman we were talking about? would you still be as open to the idea? because it is functionally the same.

I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who

I would love it if one of these shows actually showed someone choosing to have the abortion. That would be something.

They won't even let her have her own death. They have to make it about Whitney Houston (and media attention).

I don't say this often, but I need that outfit in my life and in my closet.

Gwen is on point!

I cannot WAIT for a day when everyone clamors about how having more than 4 or 5 women on the Supreme Court isn't fair because women only make up about 50% of the general population... and then promptly has to backtrack on why it was OK to have only men on the Supreme Court for decades (centuries actually).

I am SO impressed by the fact that the CEO is taking full responsibility & is leading a charge on ending this harassment. Obviously I am slightly skeptical that this is only lip service but he seems genuine in the memos. I hope that other social media networks will follow Twitters lead and tell the trolls to GTFO &

It would be really interesting to develop accurate profiles of typical trolls: age, background, education, income, gender.

For those of us who use it for networking, sharing professional news and events, this is good news. Creative people need this venue for their craft as it is uber effective in generating income...indie writers and publishers, artists, illustrators, non profits, charities, mentoring services, holistic, fitness,

Really interesting response. I listened to the TAL piece and it was really, really powerful. I'm only a casual Twitter user so it's hard to envision how they will get to work on this, but I'm interested to know what kinds of strategies they have in mind.

I like gummy bears, ice cream, and kosher pickles but I don't eat them together.


As per usual, Rih is scorching.

That's a great point that I hadn't considered. I really hope people haven't cleared their conscious around the whole issue though. I suppose I was just hoping that at least a few people saw the ad and were like "shit this is some serious business" without excusing the NFL. You're absolutely right though - the league

This ad isn't for you.

I would agree if the NFL were making any effort to actually combat domestic violence in their own organization, or if the ad were run by someone else. I think the fact that it may stop people from being as angry about their pathetic response to actual domestic violence counteracts any good it may have done.

911 calls are public record. So I'm sure they didn't.

I totally agree with you and even though I think it's upsetting in a lot of ways... an ad saying "domestic violence is scary and exists" is totally necessary. People actually don't seem to believe DV and IPT are as common as they are/don't understand how hard it is to escape those situations. It would be better if the

I found this ad worse than useless. What was the message, exactly? "Domestic violence is scary, and. . .exists" Nothing about how to recognize when someone may be in a dangerous relationship, or what to do about it, or how to promote a culture where it's not say, acceptable for football players to commit it with no