
Yes. You solve a lack of surveillance problem with surveillance. You can't solve an institutional power-abuse problem with surveillance. You can't solve a racialized problem with a race-neutral solution.


The thing about lawsuits like this is a lawyer is most likely involved. I know some lawyers will take any case for money but someone had to talk to this guy, not laugh in his face, and write up this lawsuit.

I only clicked on this story to ogle T.Swift's lipstick game here.

flawlessness attracts us all

"I know for a fact that the defendant have a good heart and that she will come back to her senses and not forget her promise that she made to me," Hilario writes in his lawsuit, also requesting that Swift help him meet Miley Cyrus.

Um…wait. What the hell is happening here? Crazies gonna cray cray cray cray cray.

I adore Drew Barrymore. That fucking woman kicked the shit out of life.

That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.

No question Rihanna and Leo are totally ready to settle down together. Didn't I hear somewhere they've both been saving themselves for marriage?

Now that's how you apologize for being an idiot.

"White, 56, is not shy about telling her story. With her first abortion, at 22, she says she felt staff at the clinic did not inform her of the risks; with the second, at 27, she says a doctor pressured her to go through with it even though she'd changed her mind, telling her it was too late to change course.

blames abortion for her subsequent years of drug addiction

Molly White, dear, you got waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more problems than your abortion and subsequent drug addiction issues. You should focus on your inability to create a coherent argument if you're going to be a politician. Or it's Texas. So maybe not.

It needs to go outside. I had a cat like that once. It would literally run up walls. Then my roommate and I moved to a place with a backyard and started letting him explore outside. (I know, I know. They kill birds.) His personality COMPLETELY changed. He would explore outside to his heart's content and then come

I call bullshit on this story about Kim showing an emotion once.

"But I wanna say that my wife has dated broke black dudes. It got nothing to do with the money."

Zach Galifinakis IS Joaquin Phoenix...

"Oh honey." was created for this kind of comment.

I started the booty song movement