
Her hand got puffy from bitch-slapping so many haters.

Also, is this an MJ glove? So many questions about this picture!

If there are any Supreme Court justices who fall asleep when they are supposed to be paying attention, it sure isn't Ruth Bayder Ginsburg.

His Hair looked a LOT more grey on the news feed I saw.

Must have been the Fox-vision

She could probably nap and listen at the same time if she wanted to anyway.

R.B.G. can do whatever the fuck she wants.

Mike Huckabee is a nitwit.

You don't approve of Beyoncé because she seems alien to you... You can't single out a corrosive culture and ignore the one that you live in because you're used to it

It's not even just that these are two examples of equally corrosive cultures. One of these people sings songs about contracting STIs and wanting to have sex with minors. The other, at least for the most part, sings songs about consensual relationships between adults that don't harm their participants beyond possibly

Right? My first instinct is to find him annoying, but somehow he says things that are really on-point and kind of profound and I'm always left impressed. But I've been impressed to some degree ever since I learned that he actively helps/sponsors other recovering addicts and hangs out with and donates money to

Victorian Sex Ghost is the best description of Brand I've ever read.

Agreeing with Russell Brand.

See, this is why making priests celibate was a terrible idea. Now they're all like, "Hey, if I can do it, married couples can too." Cause the Catholic Church still considers contraception a mortal sin, and Natural Family Planning ain't exactly foolproof.

Till he says it's OK to use condoms (at the very minimum) I won't be impressed.

RE: Jana Dugger. The idea of someone from that family worried about being "alone" is a nugget of psych 101 gold.


i don't know a lot about her, but she sounds like a fucking queen.

Why does only one or the other of them have to be terrible? No, he shouldn't do what he did. But she is a propagandist for some pretty dangerous ideas.

One day someone will pen a SHOCKING EXPOSE of this man, revealing how his dick is actually concave

#TeamNoOne is growing by leaps and bounds these days.