
If you want a house in a neighborhood that was built within the last 25 years, chances are you will be subject to an HOA and it's regulations.

Politicians need to wise up and realize that they don't have to pander to a paltry 3% of the population.

So-called "marriage equality" is a bull dung concept... why does a pathetic 3% of the population get to demand we change the long standing meaning and institution of marriage to suit their lifestyle and normalize their sexual disfunction?

It's only a civil rights issue because a fraction of 3% of the population has whined and cried about it so much that people are just getting sick and tired of the attempts by some to normalize their lifestyle choices. Even if you get the marriage you want, the HIV infection rate among young gay men will continue to

When did a paltry 3% of the population become such a whinny group of people that the remaining 97% of the population must cater too and not offend?

I'd say that woman would make some beautiful babies... but he can't make babies.

Stop the H8... right?

Why? Toyota's are some of the best cars made in America.

She needs to lay of the botox... that plastic face that can't move look is not flattering.

Well aren't you just a rude jealous person.

If those 1.1 million living with HIV would make a serious commitment to not infect others, eventually the HIV infection rate would reach zero.

The cure for AIDS and HIV is simple... If those infected would stop transmitting it to others, eventually the infected will die and there will no longer be HIV positive people who can infect others.

People can generally save themselves if they just avoid having sex with men who have sex with men.

If people are truly dedicated to it and able to formulate a strict budget they stick to it then a person making even minimum wage can retire a millionaire.

Spending a whole hell of a lot more is the quickest way to get on the HAD $5 million list instead of staying on the HAVE $5 million list.

Is that heterosexual African Americans and Hispanics or gay African Americans and Hispanics? If it's the women, are they catching it from their partners who get a little side action on the down-low?

Hopefully Clinton will decide not to run.

some companies... not all companies.

Such a dumb notion... if men got pregnant they'd be women. Idiot liberals.

There is no human right to have others pay for things for you.