
You can drive a car all you want on your own property without a License... you only need the license if your gonna drive your car in public. Just like you need a license to carry your concealed firearm in public.

I can see it now... "Breaking News: Man buys one bullet and uses it to steal a truck full of bullets."

Exactly... and that's how it should be. Just because some homosexual molest a kid doesn't mean that every homosexual should be banned form being around kids.

I'm against people breaking the law as well... but just because some people break the law doesn't mean that we have to move to further restrict the rights of law abiding people.

I'll trust the government to ban guns for the people when he government bans guns for itself too.

There would still be murders and suicides without the lawful access to guns.

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are

If you are an able bodied male you are a part of the unorganized militia.

Aren't the laws against obscenity and slander laws that are focused on the damaging use of speech? There are laws against the brandishing of weapons and the using them unlawfully already. An AR-15 in the lawful possession of a person that is not brandished or used to commit a crime is not a problem.

The ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box are the 3 pillars by which to defend individual liberty.

The militia is comprised of every able bodied male over a certain age, they were expected to own and maintain their weapons.

There is a Constitutional amendment that grants Americans the right to keep and bear arms that shall not be infringed, there is no such Amendment that grants Americans the right to own and operate a motor vehicle. There is a well established precedent that driving is a privilege not a right.

I've had partners that I was attracted to until I went down on them and then wasn't very attracted to them... some just taste and smell in a way that puts me off.

I'm curious... how can they change the "equipment?" I assume the orgasm is more like a female orgasm than a typical male orgasm.

Does a surgically constructed penis ejaculate like an actual penis? Because for some, that's part of the fun of playing with them.

I believe they are called pheromones ... there is something about the way your partner smells that attracts you to them.

That is some damn good surgery if they are really indistinguishable... I wasn't aware that trans men ejaculate semen and that trans women produce their own vaginal secretions.

Non-attraction is not the same as a phobia.

Attraction to someone can change a lot once you go down on them.

What an idiotic position... is someone who isn't attracted to redheads gingerphobic? Or someone who isn't attracted to men with curved penises "curvecockphobic?"