
About a week and no I travel light like Bobby described, its cheaper to buy any necessities there. I go to Colombia but tbh my new favorite spot is Nicaragua. Get a cheap flight to managua then go to San Juan del Sur and stay at the cheap ass hostels, its huge surfing country and you’ll spend alot of your time with

Kind Ranches were designed for and made by people who will never work on a ranch.

I can find roundtrip flights to South America for well under 300 bucks. I vacation there now simply because of said flight prices.

I used to work part time valeting cars...for whatever reason we had tons of asshole doctors that drove king ranches that wouldnt even fit in the fucking garage.

Yup, you would almost have to ask for a non-human.

Honestly who cares though? The fact that women don’t simply kill their attackers is something I’ve never quite understood.

Whats it like to live in constant fear? And they say its the right that profits from peddling fear.

Human targets are pretty much standard and the most readily available and mass produced.

Keep reaching for straws there buddy.

Eh, I saw it, it really wasn’t political. Just typical Bayhem. I didn’t really see what all the fuss was about.

Ah, that is an important difference to note.

Is that a high number? I figured prison death rates were MUCH higher.

Fair point.

This is very interesting, also it seems to have been effective considering shortly after music was dominated by 80's metal then into grunge. Now music is black dominated again with rap and hip hop. Maybe there will be another backlash leading to white dude dominated music? Is this an annoying fight we’re gonna have to


He’s overcome the argument that he can’t get more than fifty which is scary and means the republican voters are falling in line, as will the politicians.

I fwel like this is not a hate crime.

And possibly the election? I meam holy shit. I live in a college educated bubble and often forget the majority of people have never been.

I’m guessing there were multiple shooters and all 4 locations were hit at the same time.

If Doug Hutchinson was the highest bidder...also how was any of this legal?