I am glad to see that Jesse Pinkman found a new line of work.
I am glad to see that Jesse Pinkman found a new line of work.
An adventure game with investigative mechanics, a la Heavy Rain or The Wolf Among Us or those bits in Arkham games, wherein you play as Tales investigating the grisly murder of Sonic The Hedgehog.
Well, you don't want to take any chances when you cork.
Wow who peed in your Cheerios this morning?
I don’t know how 999 is one of your all-time favorite games when you haven’t seen the true ending yet, holy shit.
Like I mentioned elsewhere, I make claims to class action settlements all the time and though they stipulate that they want proof, they almost never actually WANT the proof. They’d have to pay a team to sift through all that shit.
Looks like I’m going to claim some money. I have the receipt in the box that the PS3 came in, and evidence of OtherOS being one of the primary reasons I got the system along with proof I had it installed and was actively using it on their own forums. I wrote a damn installation Guide for YellowDog Linux, lol.
If Sonic’s games were as good as his twitter account, they’d get nominated for Game of the Year every year.
It’s certainly operating in the red.
Good ol’ Mark-to-Make-Believe paper assets; can’t spend it but you can borrow money with it.
so you’re saying that Holmes’s blood business isn’t liquid?
I want to begin by making it very clear: there is no excuse for threatening someone’s life, period. Also if you receive death threats you should contact the authorities immediately. The only way this problem will end is when these people start being charged with crimes and spend some time in jail. Unfortunately I’ve…
Anyone else getting kinda worried about this game? I feel like it might fall quite short of the hype around it.
Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?
I’m not gonna beg everyone to buy this, but please consider:
It seems that the Japanese society is extremely racist. I don’t mean that in a “I want to burn the white girl at the stake” sort of way, but more like “I’m eating a taco bowl, therefore I love Hispanics” way. Good luck!
@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.
@Zilla_Killa: Ben mentions that in the article.