
I don’t quite understand. What is wrong with having a second house as a type of retirement investment? Are you implying that they charge too much rent? But they won’t be able to mark up too much to the market anyway and they can’t really be the ones making the market.

I don’t think I remember a Snacktaku entry this enthusiastic in a long, long while!

I’m not fond of this change but let’s see how it actually turns out.

I think they actually experimented with using different words instead of yes/no/jason but the color coding gave it away

You’re wrong. Did you read that insanely long Fallout 4 review? One could probably save the galaxy twice and have some time left for collecting shards instead of that.

If anything, this unwanted sequel can only become better from removing Will Smith from it.

One can argue burgers aren’t that great overall and that would be a valid point. But if we rate burgers among themselves, In-N-Out is about as good as it gets. Seriously, who’s going to beat them? BK, McD or pretentious overpriced gourmet burger joints? That’s laughable.

OK here’s a little tip to those who like In-N-Out but live too far from California. If you fly in some direction that makes it feasible, make a connection at LAX. Sadly they don’t have one in the airport itself but there’s one on Sepulveda blvd that’s like 15 minutes walk from Terminal 1(Southwest airlines) and you

How does it hold up to Ezio trilogy, i.e. AC games that were actually great?

You wanted to say “Witcher 3 over and over”, right?

Fallout 1 is a love-hate relationship of mine. And while 90% of the time it would be love, I can clearly see the reasons for it to be divisive.

What’s wrong with you. I found blue dragon too tedious to play to the end, but that metal boss theme is one of the best if not THE best in all of JRPGs.

It’s hard to describe but basically it didn’t work anymore.

If only there were more Oreos in it

I have a genuine question - not trying to mock someone or sound annoyed. Why are Doctor Who discussion articles shared on Kotaku so often? Is it somehow gaming-related or generally popular among gamers(like superhero comic books, for example, which also often pop up)?

Why is high school such a traumatic social experience for Americans? Most Russians I know don’t look back at it too fondly either but it’s because of lack of personal freedom when you’re at school, not because your class is having a perpetual contest in mutual humiliation. That’s what the media makes American high

With a gaming PC, there’s that problem of either not having a laptop or having computer redundancy. I don’t find either option acceptable.

This could have been good news if the person who was crashed was the one who gave this movie a ‘go’ decision.

Well, Trails has some seriously dated interface decisions. Like when you want to heal yourself with magic after a battle and you have to scroll through orbment equip menu down to the spells. Ugh.

How does it make managing backups easier though? For me it actually added more work. It finds all you have on every device and just dumps it into the cloud, without providing you enough search and filtering capabilities. You either spend another man-year to sort through those thousands of photos and organize them in

How does it make managing backups easier though? For me it actually added more work. It finds all you have on every