
You can buy oreo pie crusts!

That’s last resort measure. I did it a couple of times in the past for jap games that took too long to come to Europe(or never did) and each time I encountered new obstacles. First psn would not allow my non-US card so I buy codes from Amazon, then Amazon won’t sell me US codes with my non-US billing address so I have

Wait, Yakuza 5 w/English subtitlesis out? US only, I presume?


Good for them, but MS’d have to do way more than that to sway me over. I had all the consoles last generation and that was really a waste. Now with their so-so launch I got myself a PS4 last holiday season(which I don’t even play all that much because quality JRPGs that eat most of my gaming time are still mostly on

I don’t understand this thing with Americans whining they don’t have enough disposable income. How much can you save? 10% is very responsible. 20% is a bit over the top imo. Now even if you save a quarter of your overall money, you still have 75% left. Unless you live in abject poverty(which is not the case we’re

Do you have alcoholic energy drinks in the US? I don’t think Ive seen any there. Now that’s the stuff of the devil all right. I only tried it once and it made my nose bleed almost instantly.

You don’t drink wine or specialty coffee for ‘result’ though

I already felt like ‘this is cool but starts getting old’ in Uncharted 3 - to an extent I’m not even bothering with 4 until it’s on PS Plus or super cheap on sale. Naughty Dog are too cool. Having them milk same series for a decade is a waste.

Naughty Dog has been there with Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter. I’m kind of surprised they drag Uncharted to 4th installment and another console generation.

An 11 year old with a $200 savings freaking account.

They probably don’t understand why people would be so stoked about a remake no matter how great the original. Not blaming them though, I don’t really get what the fuss is about myself either.

Why not? Tom Bradley Intl terminal has some delicious pizza.

This is SO not Nintendo that this hasn’t even crossed my mind. But I find this idea of ‘Nintendo dropping the gimmicks and releasing a conventional powerful console’ not just awesome - it’s beyond awesome.

>gamers outside the United States... aka people that aren’t white males

Thank you Jason but I’ll pass.

Nobody liked that game except for Tim himself!

Come on. Cinematic adaptations of comic books have FINALLY hit their stride and develop their worlds like the actual comics do. Not the ‘semi-decent reboot, meh sequel, totally failed sequel, next reboot”. If you don’t like comic book adaptations, that’s OK, I don’t care much for them either - there’s plenty of other

Wasn’t Edward Norton’s Hulk part of this Cinematic Universe? He was replaced real easy.

JC2 was huge, but after 50-70 something hours you’d have liberated almost everything in the more accessible areas and like half of more remote/fortified ones. You could easily add an hour to that to ‘finish’ story - that missile fight was pretty epic!