
Since the thread is obviously full of Danganronpa fans, I’ll ask this here. Is Another Episode worth getting at all? Its genre looks weird and not in a good way.

The stock image is SO wrong it hurts. Not only is the laser in question invisible X-ray, but red? Seriously? The longest side of the visible spectrum?

How is it important if nothing worth mention is even released, except for maybe Sengan Kagura whih is clearly not mainstream?

Luigi has abilities different from Mario, other than just being player 2? The more you know.

Are you sure size is not an issue? I have an Air and it can be a bit unwieldy to hold with one hand on half an hour commute. You’ll have to be fighting for a free seat. Not to say your manpurse has to be rather large to fit it comfortably: mine, for instance, can hardly fit a 13 inch laptop and lunch at the same time.

>The unexplained proliferation of Nokia phones was the single most unbelievable part of Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation, a movie where Tom Cruise fights a jet engine in a secret underwater lair.

MacBook is seriously awesome. I got one for my wife at launch and all the months since have been fighting the temptation to get one for myself - just because I ‘might’ need more power for processing raw photos, however since I’m OK with doing that on an old Core i3, I shouldn’t suffer that hard either.

Well, that’s the point. When I was a student, I would buy the cheapest beer and be happy about it. When I started earning money, some choice appeared and I would stand dumbfounded before the fridge at the shop for a while. Cue 5-7 years, I stopped drinking beer at all, problem of choice being not the least of reasons.

Why would they discontinue iPad mini? Just because they make phones nearly as large, it doesn’t stop being the most comfortable device to read books and browse the web while on commute.

Why, I don’t see him mentionin Google

Freelancers from all over the world would kill each other for $20/hour testing job. And it’s a relatively low, but still decent rate for a ‘real’ (as in ‘coming to office in person and working on corporate PC’) job, even in 1st world country. Seeing as testing is very commonly outsourced, I don’t think they’ll have

It’s interesting that of all places San Francisco, the home of hi-tech, is only **testing** automated ordering system in McDonalds now in 2015. Here in backwards Russia it’s been the norm for at least a couple of years. Why, only this morning I came into a McDonalds in a mall to get a coffee because it was too early

I first learned about ‘secret menus’ back in 2013 in In-n-Out and I must say I found it rather charming and unique. Like, you walk in and they have 4 burgers, fries and shake on the menu, 6 items, that’s it. And every other person is ordering something that’s not on that list like 4x4 burger or fries animal style. And

Well I personally don’t understand this American institution of minimal wage at all. Most countries have a regulation like that but the US is the only one I know of where there are millions of people actually working on minimum wage. Russia(where I live) is rather poor compared to the US and half of the country

How can you maintain a blog about food and hate tomatoes. What’s wrong with you.

How is falafel a method of wrapping if it’s the stuff that is actually being wrapped?

My dad once renting a room from a ‘real Mexican guy’ who of course was eating soft corn tortillas. Once I came to visit him and came into the kitchen and saw a stack of tortillas in the corner. My father was like ‘yeah this is the very atrocious crap Jose eats, can you believe that?’ - ‘Are you kidding me Dad? These

Crunchy tacos are one of those stupid things you can only find in the United States. They have 3-5 times less fillings than burritos because otherwise it’s going to fall off. And still extremely inconvenient to eat.

I could have been the character of that egg story if you consider the details mangled a bit. Last year I was in South Lake Tahoe(which is a casino town not unlike Atlantic City, although it’s the whole way across the continent) and I went to IHOP with my brother, not my girlfriend. I also was 31, not 25 at the moment,

It’s amazing that they are somewhere next door to the office I work in and I read about them on Gawker