
I don’t know if ping is maybe still the same for streaming gaming as a service, but I can share 3G or LTE on my phone, hook up PS Vita and use my PS4 via remote play without any lag I can complain of whatsoever. Even when there’s no LTE coverage and 3G is the only option. 5 years ago when OnLive was making headlines I

It’s totally the other way around. If you have to watch part of the series only, stick with 5 and beyond. They took a massive leap in fun and general appeal in 5.

>When you say “Boruto” (ボルト) in Japanese, you’re saying “Bolt.”

What about “I tried Demon’s Souls when it was free on PS+ and found it to be an insultingly bad game to my taste”, isn’t that a valid reason to avoid all the rest of the series?

Somewhere in my mind there’s a big sign that says that PlayStation Home and Second Life are totally the same thing. Not sure if it’s based on anything that actually exists in the real word though.

It’s OK but not particularly great. The story doesn’t seem to make me care much and the gameplay is hit-or-miss. Sometimes I enjoy it, the other time I would get into a generic-looking cave that makes it too easy to lose direction and won’t be able to open a chest I came for because of some stupidly high enemy respawn

Species-ism? Is this a thing? And does it imply that a civilized being should grant equal rights to all other species? But why?

I had this message pop up several times in type-0 and it didn’t seem to restrict sharing of anything that was pretty to look at or contained any ‘spoilers’ to the story, just some random scenes, one of them about 5 seconds long, too. That was odd but I thought if it restricted sharing of scenes that were really

Back in the day there were games like Alundra or Beyond Oasis. They were totally ripping off Zelda in every possible way(especially Alundra) and nobody complained because they were awesome. Darksiders is bland and flavorless compared to those ‘clones’ of old.

I dunno I’d rather have chocolate

Dying Light just had terrible marketing. The name and art had me convinced that it was yet another game in boring shooter series Metro. Soon after it was released I learned it was wrong...only to learn it was a zombie game. Seriously. After this they’d have to pay me to play the game, not the other way around.

And here I thought their location in downtown Sacramento was a bit too much

I'm totally with you on this one, but remember what year we're living in. "I want to play this game but I'm not sure if my iPad can run it" is already a thing, and the gap between mobile and console is narrowing steadily(although not as fast as some would suggest).

I just don't understand when(and why) video games became so closely related with stockpiling common stuff excused as collecting.

This makes me somewhat proud of buying type-0 for type 0 and deleting the demo. I've got more full games than I can play, why would I bother with demos anyway.

To someone who did select to kidnap Queen Brahne in the beginning of FFIX 64 times just to see a tiny change in dialogue...50 jumps is nothing!

Does it matter? I can't imagine a corporation that jumps on a new operating system during the first year after it release AND installs it on hardware already in use. Can you?

I'm the person who would sometimes notice a dozen of calculators running after a month of uptime and wish for it to be a single-instance...and I'm a software developer, too, if not a Microsoft one.

Well apples grow everywhere. Almonds are one of the things that define California. So - at least for me - that's a no-brainer

I'm curious what are the native trees of South California. Up north we have pines, firs and redwoods, oaks, magnolias and all the stuff, but as you go down to LA most of the plants seem to be either non-native palm trees or small bushes