
I’m sorry, but this a completely irrational and unreasonable interpretation of the statement “victims have a right to be believed.” That statement does not mean that no one anywhere should ever believe in an accused rapist’s innocence, it means that all victims have the right to have their stories taken seriously by

This post deserves more stars.

The right to be believed doesn’t dictate personal behavior. It’s a standard for police investigation and public reporting - the idea that any alleged rape is likely true and should be investigated and the victim supported. It doesn’t mean that a woman must believe the word of a stranger over that of her husband and

You can’t know what’s going on with them, though. That’s the thing. HIS career suffered no serious setbacks because of the allegations, yet guilt by association is apparently enough to tank the career his wife (who has not, as far as I know, ever been accused of rape)?? They’re not actually the same person. Meanwhile,

One of them wants to essentially disintegrate the modern federal government and replace it with a vastly more powerful system of state governments, and the other is a medical doctor who panders to anti-vaccers and people worried about wifi, and whose sole experience in governance is being in a town council.

All I know is I will NOT be voting for Bill Clinton this November.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.

I’ve made a list of his most loyal friends, his most practical friends, his most social justice-y friends, and his many friends that have dedicated heir lives to the well being of children and plan to ask if he would be embarrassed or proud of his decision. Would he read it out loud to them? What would they do? What

I think I’m going to save telling him that I will write my own letter to the judge via the prosecution of he writes a letter as a last resort. And I will, detailing my concerns regarding the family’s denial and dishonesty, how it is eerily familiar, how that behavior allowed my sister to be molested multiple times by

Yes, all true, I’ve said some of those thing and will repeat them when we are face to face. I have thought about telling him that if writes a letter I will write my own letter and I have no problem sending it his family members as well as the judge and prosecution. That is how strongly I feel. Mutually Assured

Ask your husband how he would feel if his letter of support gets read to the victim or put on the internet next to a descriptions of Humbert’s crimes (the real version, not the family one). If he can’t fathom that, show him this.

After years of lurking and cheering, crying and grumping with you all... I hope this isn’t the last SNS.

I caught a Pikachu. I started a light weight lifting routine twice a week.

Food is power. Giving a poor community member $100 in groceries so that she can help take the financial and emotional burden off a grieving friend or family member gives power to that person and those she touch. It gives dignity. It uplifts. It gives hope and compassion.

when you are fifty you sometimes realize that your happiest of times wasn't with the husband you had your kids with...........

What’s worse is she lived an entire life afterwards, so she will be mentally far beyond Jack and will probably be bored and annoyed by his boyish attitudes for all eternity.

actually, it is. i’m having a blast. as is everyone else in this comment thread. you’re the one being a fucking downer on a site that touts itself as a blog for celeb AND gossip. so, shhhhh.

What’s interesting is that, from most primary care physicians I know in and around Birmingham, none of them seem to think very highly of Brookwood. Heck, some of them would rather send patients to Baptist (I guess that’s now Brookwood, too) Princeton. Their great marketing and their perception among local physicians

This sounds like my worst nightmare. Here’s some gluten-free artwork you can at least enjoy.