
Two of the members of the security team, Lope and Hallett, were husbands.

Dan Aykroyd had the means to say this a year ago when it mattered, but instead he was a studio shill bragging how great the film was going to be so he could make money. Now that failed and killed a potential franchise for Sony (and future profits for him), Dan wants to be Nostradamus.

Oh come on, The Dark Knight wasn't THAT bad…

The one where Themyscira sends a message to Mexico saying they'll give the entire Western half of America back to them if they keep the U.S. out of the war. An intriguing rewriting of history, if you ask me.

Just wanted to pop in and say screw all the Papa John's haters. Their pizza is good, and at least the bread doesn't taste like Play-Doh (cough,*Pizza Hut* cough).

It kind of is, yeah. Social media has done little to improve humanity, and can demonstrably be shown to make it worse.

I know, right? Just the other day the local National Guard detachment knocked on my door and was like "Hey! Can we crash at your apartment for a few days? Also, can you buy us some pizzas?"
I accepted this as the reasonable request that it was.

It depends on how they're used. Shooting a psycho who's on a killing spree tends to stop the killing spree pretty quickly.

Are you like James' jilted lover or something?

You weren't much of a friend if you passed a dangerous job on to a friend without sharing the particulars with him. Also, tell those lazy clerks to get back to work, I've been waiting since 11 to rent "Dental School."

I think you mean non-lethal weapons. All weapons by nature are violent to some degree.

Let's get rid of that 1st amendment too. The founding fathers wrote it during a time when people wrote with quill pens and printed on hand-cranked presses. They couldn't have foreseen television, radio and the internet.

You heard Killa.fish, middle grounds and reason are for pussies! Real liberals are psychopaths!

I, for one, ALWAYS look to Al Qaida for moral guidance when creating art.

It's because when you're part of the shitstorm complaining, you don't notice it's a shitstorm. You only notice when the other side is having a shitstorm.

Nobody goes to see Fast and Furious movies for the actors. You could replace half the cast with boulders, as long as there are fast cars, explosions and scantily dressed women all over, teens will go see it. It's brand loyalty, something teens have to F&F that they don't have to Baywatch, a show that left the air when

Do Canadians count?

It can be two things.

Lionel Hutz successfully sued the original producers for false advertising. I don't think anyone wants to buck that tiger again…

It IS sexist, but on such a stupid, meaningless level effecting almost no one. There are much better issues to get outraged over.