
ROFL!! Oh man..Guess Youtube considered that video too salacious for them to remove it.

Would not be shock/surprise if they had people come in play out their demented fantasies, the way they were describing how all these bodies were arranged and taken apart and positioned.

Lucky, I got 40k on my first spin.

(Movie Head Honchos) Ok, Edward, we are putting you on again, don’t screw it up. If Robert Downey Jr can do it, so can you..Go out there and knock that role out the ballpark man.

It’s like the gates of heaven opened up when you do find those rare items with absurdly low prices. I was able to buy a set of headlights for 50 bucks a piece couple years back, normal price was 450 bucks on Amazon, I think there is a group of people who spend time trying to find price glitches on Amazon.

People are too consumed with themselves to even care or at least look into this thing called “Climate Change”, something like this at local beaches could be done to make people realize what lies ahead.

Yeah, I think the author is forgetting about the Full Autonomous capability coming online which will add value to existing cars on the roads already, pending if regulation will finally allow for Full Autonomous cars to roam public roads in 5 to 10 years.

That was *their intended look. (Edit window time is too short.)

That was there intended look and whoever gave the go-ahead to have the animals in the movie be just that animals without any facial emotions while talking and singing should be slapped.

New Orleans is becoming a hot watery mess, even more so when sea level starts rising even more.


Well, they can survive up to 7 days without a head. These things are built to outlive just about every species on this planet, lol. You know the saying, they were here before humans and they will still be here after humans.

Man, Alabama is sure one big ass backward of a state.

Thanks to Social Media and Reality TV, they’ve become Social Media/Reality TV Megastars with millions of brainless followers who try to act and look like them for far too damn long and also buys whatever they are wearing or promoting. It’s just the sad state we are in. Let’s not forget we have a reality tv star as

People need to stop fantasizing about the ocean as being refreshing..

As soon as I heard QTE’s are in this game, my anticipated purchase quickly turned into Nevermind. Mechanics should have been similar to the last Spiderman game. I want to smash tanks in real time not push Square button to smash tank and watch.

Most doofus move ever, how are you going to release a trailer for a new series which quite a few people were anticipating once they saw the trailer and it only has one episode and canceled on top of that??!? DC aka DoofusCompany.

Huge meat eater here, Impossible burger comes very very close in my opinion to real beef patties so much so, It’s all I order at the local burger joint now.

Well, Don’t do it yet, in about 3 to 10 years full autonomy should be just cranking up for primetime.