This will sell quick if the ads are placed in the right forum.
This will sell quick if the ads are placed in the right forum.
Wow, just wow. 90% sure the current owner has Grillz made out of Tin Foil.
This thing, as it sits, is only good for making the drive look like a poser.
So much to work with here:
This is my go to gif for cars that have been butchered by a prior owner. Glad to see it applied to this fright pig.
I’ve come to think of these as Germany’s H1. Just ridiculous, thoughtless consumption for consumption’s sake. ND at any price.
Nauseating. Never in a million years. If they paid me that amount to take it, I’d drive it in disguise.
This thing is heinous at any price, and the antithesis of yesterdays NP. Kill it with fire!
It almost seems like too good a deal. I’m sure there’s some dark secret hiding in there.
As long as the body isn’t paint over Bondo and it runs nice price. Sorting out a few mechanical things is just foreplay to consummating an enjoyable ownership experience.
Wah, cars are hard to work on. You sure you didn't mean to click on Jezebel ?
If it checks out mechanically, it seems almost underpriced. NP, subject to an inspection.
Good find!
like these founding fathers?
Someone forced you to read this?
What ifs like “what if they started taking women’s rights away?”
just go away then. You probably voted NP for today's car
I am anti-abortion but it’s all actually none of my concern.
Latest poll I saw showed 85% support legal abortion. I can only hope that 85% vote for candidates who agree with them. It’s our only recourse in rectifying this absurdity.
Constitutionally protected rights? The Republican party and SCOTUS have decreed you have the right to be a conservative Christian straight white male. And own a gun. That’s it. Anything apart from that is now up for debate. Next is marriage equality, birth control, the list goes on. And just wait until a non-Christian…