Yeah, this is not a project for a perfect 924. Maybe a parts car or something, but not the start of one. And Perfect 924s aren’t worth the money it would take to get this one to that level.
Yeah, this is not a project for a perfect 924. Maybe a parts car or something, but not the start of one. And Perfect 924s aren’t worth the money it would take to get this one to that level.
My only pause is those Nebraska plates. I’ve seen some Rust on Nebraska cars. But If that’s anything within reason, it’s NP in a hillbilly heartbeat. As $1500 is the new $500.
That same old adage: you snooze, you lose.
That’s what I’m thinking. This is a great base for…something different. You’ll never get your money back no matter what you do to fix it up, might as well have fun with it.
I rescued a ’77 924 last summer that had been sitting for 16 years. I’ve not priced out a clutch yet, because fortunately mine seems to be good for now. But here’s the thing you need to remember about a car like this: There’s almost nothing for it that you can buy at your local auto parts store. It all has to come…
Porsche prices the way they are it’s a NP for someone who wants some sweat equity in a starter Porsche. The transaxle is going to be a challenge and the K-Jet is likely going to need some serious attention. If I was in the area I’d be checking the couch cushions for spare change already.
NP for a good EV conversion.
E85 gets worse mileage.
Well that’s “water is wet” news...duh.
4th gear. Nope I do not want someone driving on the road or parking near me with drive by wire as the only option to control the vehicle. Not one that must be serviced and maintained at their attention and responsibility.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
“the car has just 19,000 miles on the NEW clock”. There, fixed it for you.
All I see is 100% fustercluck.
It came with the shop purchase because previous owner was smart enough to realize he would never sell this POS Honda.
It’s a good thing the seller likes the car, because it won’t be going anywhere at that price.
It looks like a mustang wannabe from the front and side. Who wanna drive a car that wannabe something else. Please, let’s make some cool car mods, like make a Honda Civic that resembles a bacon cheeseburger or something that that I wannabe drivin’
Maybe the producers of the next F&F movie can buy it and blow it up or something.
Based on how well that has worked for people backing into a parking spot using those “features” I’d argue that those driver aids and AI are garbage. We need better driving exams and better visibility, not better driving aids.