Are German pancakes slightly racist? French toast? White bread? Or are we just hypersensitive, taking offense where none was intended?
Are German pancakes slightly racist? French toast? White bread? Or are we just hypersensitive, taking offense where none was intended?
Oh boy! The liberal news media can FINALLY have a field day with this!!! Finally, a WHITE GUY, goes nuts with a “gun” and kills a bunch of people. Watch them have a collective orgasm if he was a “right winger” type and they’ll pass out if he is a “right wing Christian”. If we see this covered 24/7 for a week, that…
Being a liberal faggot is legal too, and yet we somehow still carry on.
Our current gun freedoms are the very reason Tim Cook can take the stand he has. People need to start realizing this left vs right crap is artificially divisive.
Yep, distasteful doesn’t begin to describe this article. Stupid too. Anthropogenic Climate Change is at best fictional at this point. The “science is settled” is laughable.
The writers of Gawker et al. are seriously getting off on his death. It’s a little creepy.
While I understand the broad conclusions made in this article, I can’t help but find this entire article extremely distasteful.
I can’t even imagine the response to an article suggesting that the death of a liberal was a good thing.
This article needs more pictures.
Don’t you just love it. “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.” E. Dirksen.
... quite the budget surplus we have.
Terrifying? What are you, 6?
used store bought components for some of the biggest points of failure: the barrel, hammer, firing pin, bolts, and springs.
“Terrifying.” Lulz.
Comence the pants shitting!!!
STFU you fear mongering shit sipper.
Does gizmodo ever ever highlight guns in any other way than !NEGATIVE!. Geez, you guys whine a lot. I for one think this is cool.
I gotta agree with other comments, lame article. Not scary. Not interesting. Not really even technology related. People have been making their own guns in the garage since before world war 2. Google ‘zip gun’ and ‘sten gun’
fear-mongering at its best...
Scaaary 3D printed Gun*