
You don’t need the best equipment at the start, and the equipment dropped seems to be directly tied to the number of shrines beaten. I’ve cleared them all and cannot get into a fight without getting at least one white monster with the highest version of something (although it is easier if someone else picks it up

Funny. Some of the most played games on my Wii U right now are the NES and SNES classics I can purchase. I am even finding new games there I missed back then that I am enjoying because I love that era’s pixel art. It kills me that games like SimCity SNES, Final Fantasy II & III and countless other games will never

The best way I know to describe it to others is to have them think about the spring pollen season and how everything gets a fine dusting of pollen everyday. Only in my hometown of Weirton (just outside of Pittsburgh) you got a fine dusting of black crap on everything daily. I used to think sinus issues was normal

I most likely would have been in the same boat if not for putting Link in as the first save and noticing the difference.

My first playthrough of Zelda was also the second quest, but I it was because I was naming the three files: Link, Zelda and Gannon when I noticed the sword in the hand of the Link by Zelda’s name. With the fold out map in hand (and 10 deaths on the counter), I quickly realized it wasn’t the quest I was looking for.

Nintendo failed on the Wii U in so many ways. They never really put the effort into making something special out of it. They could have used MiiVerse to have all sorts of monthly Retro score challenges like the old Caravan games in Japan. Throw out some swag to the winners for each region. Have the season finish

It could be anything from a better in-game map to a game mode variation. Not necessary but nowhere near the level of something people would or should expect to pay for on their own.

I hold to the theory that to screw with everyone, they have made this an official sequel to the Hyrule Warriors timeline. Hence why there are elements of every timeline mixed in and why everyone feels the need to wear blue scarfs.

They tried that. They powered him down to near his original levels (couldn’t fly, was strong but with real limits, could be hurt by things not magical/kryptonite if the damage was intense enough. What happened was everyone whined about it until they just killed that version and brought back the 80's version everyone

The Convention of States is an attempt to actually use the part of the constitution where “We the People” can call a constitutional convention and address the things our founders never would have thought of (and our dysfunctional federal government has constantly failed to address).

I think the real reason is pretty simple. McD’s was seeking revenge for BK creating the BK King. Why? Who knows. But the new Big Mac selection is just a little too much like Whopper, JR., Whopper and Double Whopper.

The fact that I can pick this up off the dock and carry it to the bedroom while still playing my game is why this should sell. It is the reason I love my Wii U. Off-TV play allowed me to have the TV be freed up for my wife to watch TV while sat nearby gaming. No matter how much they want it, Xbox and PS4 cannot do

The reality is much easier to take as a Wii U owner if I just pretend that the Wii U was the New 3DS for the Wii. This lets me imagine the console had a good 10 year lifespan with a library of about 2000 games. Honestly, much like when I first purchased the Wii U (during the initial new console drought), I am

It isn’t just politics, but politics is the area that this behavior clearly displays itself (and just to clarify, I haven’t voted for either major party ever. I prefer to vote for something I agree with. This time around that was difficult to say the least). The point is that part of the reason that Pokemon GO

And you just summed up the issue of elections very well. Democrats focus on urban areas with large populations, forgetting that 90+% of the country is rural. Then they are amazed when our election system (which is designed to prevent the large population centers ruling over the other 90+% of the country) works and

The leadership is the failure point for Team USA, not the players. The leadership built a roster to succeed in the 1970's or 1990's world of hockey where Thuggery could beat the opposition into submission. Hockey has ceased to be that sport, as speed and skill are coming back. Team North America might not be the

Someone on the internet took offense at something that probably wasn’t even related to themselves and tried to make it all about them.... I’m shocked I tell you.

At least I will have plenty of time to pile up my money for a new system purchase because there will be little on the Wii U the next year to entice money from me. Thankfully I still have plenty of Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, TMS#FE, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate gameplay left to hold me over.

And this is why I am generally generous with stars. If I can beat the level, it isn’t a cluster of gotcha traps, or require following the designer’s obtuse thought process perfectly it probably will get a star.

Yet, I have to put up with Japanese levels that are designed to instant kill you by putting you on top of a sideways spring that you trigger unless you immediately press jump, and even if you do the unseen Thwump crushes you a second later before you can absorb what is on screen. Or levels in 100 Mario Challenge that