
But it’s not primarily filled with one race...? Not all black and brown people are a single ethnic group. And like I said, I don’t see one ethnic group holding a majority here, though black developers may be the single largest group. It’s a plurality rather than a majority. Other U.S. game dev conferences often have

Those statements are not contradictory IMO. If there’s a greater variety of ethnic backgrounds than there is at other game conferences — which appears to be the case, based on the pictures; black developers seem to be the largest group, but it seems like no one ethnic group holds a solid majority at the conference,

I KNOW!!! Making white people yellow and everyone else roughly the color they are in real life is doing nothing to break stereotypes, wtf is he on about?

I’m a teen. The majority of people my age I know know what Clickhole is — it’s very popular in my age group, though I think that’s declined since it moved to the GMG. So, maybe not so much “nobody knows, nobody cares” as “you don’t know, you don’t care”. Yeah, this article is kind of smug, but you’re being waaay worse.

Wrong article.

....if slavery in the Colonies had ended in 1775, slavery would still be a part of U.S. history. It predates the modern state name but still existed in the state.

The question “why are we not experiencing a dramatic increase in rates of suicide nationwide?” contains the implication or assertion that we are not experiencing a dramatic increase in rates of suicide nationwide, no? 

P sure OP isn’t the one “looking for opportunities to feign being offended" 🙄

I don’t get why people are saying that Gita’s article was too generous to K-Pop. How many times in it does she point out that Korean culture is very homophobic and that Western K-Pop fans are reading something into it that isn’t really there? I don’t know, but it’s a lot of times. She points out that pretty much the

And my experience is that not one of the people I knew in high school who came out as trans has “changed their mind. Growing up in a mostly trans-friendly environment, I felt free to consider that I might not identify with my assigned-at-birth gender; so did my trans friends. I came to the decision that I was not

Being attracted to just cis and trans women makes you straight if you’re a man, gay if you’re a woman, and something else of your own definition (a lot of people just use “queer) if you’re neither. Pansexuality and bisexuality can be different things or different words for the same thing depending on the person —

When was the last time you heard from Richard Spencer? Being punched was humiliating for him. A reporter talked to him afterwards and found out that he was afraid to leave his house. The only times he’s been brought up on a large scale in the news since then were (a) Charlottesville, which he was granted a license for

Well, your proportions are waaaayyy off... Hispanic immigrants make up a sizable majority of illegal immigrants, but not thousands of times more than non-Hispanic immigrants. According to the Migration Policy center, 71% of unauthorized immigrants are from Mexico and Central America and 29% are from the rest of the

Kidnapping with the intention of striking terror into the hearts of immigrants. Is that not a political goal? This organization is accused of having built an Abu Ghraib-style prison for minors in Virginia in 2015. They are accused of enabling widespread sexual assault against their prisoners. They are known to kidnap

Large support in the African-American community? What? Look up his voting percentages from 2016 — 90% of black voters voted against him.

Yeah good point.

Citation on “vast majority of the country rejects”? Preferably a poll that describes the policy in a more specific way than “catch and release” in its questions.

International law recognizing the existence of nations doesn’t really apply here...? A violation of international law is a violation of international law regardless of the citizenship of the subjects. Indefinite detainment without trial is most certainly “severe deprivation of physical liberty” IMO. The guards’ “smart

This is a troll.