
From the December 16th Shade Court, “The Shade is Almost Too Close to Call”:

I went on the Le Pen subreddit today. It’s almost entirely American alt-right/Trump supporters posting trollish stuff like this. They’re trying to get #ImWithHer trending, and they’re sharing all sorts of “demographic replacement” BS.

While I don’t entirely buy into the idea of a worldwide liberal bubble that got Trump elected, I’ve seen a lot of the same kind of thing you’re describing, and I do think it shows a certain sphere of leftists who are largely divorced from reality. Their political beliefs are almost entirely based on abstract concepts

I wouldn’t call it “fawning” either, but I definitely think it’s reaching to find some sympathy for ICE officers. Which isn’t really just “explaining someone’s position.”

Disagree on the natural. Original Cloud’s hair is nowhere near natural for anyone white or Japanese (or with non-kinky hair generally), and so a more “styled” look makes sense to me here.

Not really, though, because hetero sex games don’t really provoke a reaction except from far-right religious groups, whereas the mainstream view of gay sex games is pretty well summed up by jacksepticeye’s take on Yang: “that’s just wrong.” Strictly speaking, there is majority support for gay rights in the United

Yeah, e.g. Easter, which is straight up the name of a goddess of spring. They didn’t even bother to change the name after grabbing the ceremony of “rebirth,” unlike in this case.

Pretty sure that’s a bat.

Yeah. Even pre-Communist China, which wasn’t always the absolute worst place to be gay, justified homophobia with oblique endorsements of heterosexuality found in the secular writings of Confucius and Mencius.

Oh kajeebus, this freakin’ blog:

Having an opinion isn’t a “serious bias.” If Heather had, like, some personal beef with the dev team of Yooka-Laylee, that would be bias. She doesn’t.

What...? Posting an article that contains anything other than objective statements is only allowed on a “blog site”?

If North Korea gets us, we’ll band together and re-invade North Vietnam.

That’s fair, but I doubt the report would be too different.

...tall Asians and Mexicans exist...

Yeah, but (a) Russians and Russia sympathizers read and watch RT, so it does represent what Russians see as “media” and (b) even popular opposition radio stations, shows, websites, etc. pretty much exist by the allowance of the Kremlin. They’re sort of a way of controlling exactly how Russians are allowed to complain

Good analysis. I’ve always thought Brotherhood the better show, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I felt it was missing something compared to FMA.

Mario Galaxy 3: Devil Daggers

Just a fan of the family, I think — the handle is @PlanetKhloeK

you are NOT being oversensitive.