
And make that system of measurement the metric system.

If it's half as good as it's trailer its gonna be awesome

Did you not get any closer with the camera? And thanks for the video. Douche.

No one is making a thin bezel model is all im saying and thats sad.

why not a video of this?

ugly p o s. every tablet looks alike. who will be the first to make one that does not look like an asshole

bought it

The ship got busted by Finnish Customs. As the ship left Germany towards South Korea it got hit by a storm. They hid close to the Finnish coast and needed assistance. A Finnish pilotboat pulled it to shore and because they did not have the correct papers for Finland the Finnish customs detained the ship and the goods.

"That's the beauty of science: that you have to prove your theories beyond any doubt."

Luganda totally ruined that list. I hope aliens wont think that all humans are idiots.

I love her reaction when she realizes he's proposing

Don't you mind the fact that it's a large phone with a really small screen? Only the ppi can save it, but I doubt its going to be anything special. Either way the a large phone with a small screen makes it really ugly. The screen is even smaller then the Nokia N9. It seems they had to reduce the size of the screen to


Good point. Btw that decion was made by mr flop (elop) to insure that the meego platform fails. He has fu*ked nokia and finland in the ass (not so much him as microsoft and the corrupted Finnish executives) so many times and now when we finally get a shot with meego, thats when the real fu*king started by removing

Nokia N9 came to stores in Finland today and sold out. Why wont you talk about this Gizmodo?

Ive bought all the previous iPhones. We had a good run, but now I'm done. That's it. Such a long wait... Thanks for nothing Apple. I just ordered the Nokia N9 for 699 euros.


So now mars might have residue of exploded nano-thermite too!

University of Michigan still using feet, inches and miles?!?!

Apple should put the home button on the side and not on the front where the screen is! Friggin morons! Nokia is the first one to get this, however they didnt make use of the new found area, they just made bezel out of it wich in a alot of ways is more moronic then to have a button there.