
argh! why can they not make the bottom of the phone look like the the top? If they would have I would so buy this. now? not so much. I dont do ugly ass bezel.

checks? really? LOL

@benjgvps: Thats why I said that Its the users choise to use a bezel or not. If the user wants a bezel then the bezel part of the screen would be inactive.

omg i so hope its just a screen without the home button and the stupid bezel.

I wish the bezel could be made to double as part of the screen(majority would like an as thin as possible bezel), that way the only thing to improve is to get rid of that fuc*ing home button.

I like the top area of it, but hate the bottom area. Why did they not make the bottom area similar to the top area? Very peculiar =(

A link to launch of N8 n8ensikosketus(dot)nokia(dot)fi

I ordered mine in the beginning of july. Still waiting :(

Ilmeisesti palannut töihin kesälomaltansa. Mitäköhän mun työkaverit on keksiny ^^

t s s wrng tht th pyrmds r lctd n n rb cntry flld wth rlgs ntbgs =(

Looks stupid! When will apple get rid of that god damn bezel?

OMG let the new nano be like the the old nano only that the screen covers the whole thing how friggin cool would that be.

jesus! that is one ugly phone