
Boo hoo.

Remind me again that these are the same types of players who argue against bringing back the “granny” free throw shot because it would be “too embarrassing”.

Don’t watch the beginning, just start at about the 3:35 mark

Yes, that’s one example but also looking at it from a medical background, there are definitely a couple of other factors that play a role. It depends highly on the severity of the TBI and age can factor a large role too. The younger the person, the more “elastic” in a way their brain is able to cope and rewire from

Your post isn’t much better than what you’re accusing him of. But coming from a medical perspective, chances are (and I’m glad you recovered) that your extent of injury was much less than his hence the likely difference in recovery.

Not sure his point about the top 3 was direct at you but to an even semi casual person reading or hearing about these events. However, I will argue that the combination of frequent testing and high performance does not necessarily mean clean slate, it can just mean that the dopers are still ahead of the testers much

Too soon!

More like, only can something like this happen against the Lions. And I say this as a lifelong Lions fan. All of us are still waiting for the shoe, or in this case pass, to metaphorically (and apparently now literally) drop to see how they can manage to screw this season up. It’s why we watch.

Also, on a related note, how high was his editor who let this slip through to be printed?

You posted something on a mostly liberal website potentially advocating for something that most of the liberal readers here are against. Shocking that the comments section reads like the comments on Huff Post or NYT with outrage against the mere thought of something so rational that it incenses people.

The best teams should be more along the lines of (not that this will happen):

Clicked on the article just to make sure Codenames was on this list and to say something similar. It’s a hit with the more “hardcore” gamers as well as anyone not even wanting to consider calling themself a gamer.

Gawker/Deadspin comments section: Where somebody just can’t wait to turn every unrelated article into something somehow politically related.

Well, the league that uses the DH is called the American League

Still better than our Lions though....

Dang Millenials not getting worthwhile references from before they were born...

Lifelong Lions fan here. Can confirm this is the case.

The main reason Lions’ fans tune in is to get a unique form of masochism and really to see HOW they will blow it, not if.

“This is very frustrating and embarrassing for the press, which believes that a candidate’s financial situation is information that the public vitally needs to know.”

17 point lead? That means you’d be have to be able to get the lead in the first place. We don’t tune in to see if we’re going to lose, but the manner in which it happens.