
Truthfully, pretty much every dude I know would rather take a bullet to the heart rather than shoot off any part of their junk. Boys are so weird.

I heard they’re having problems on stock. I’m waiting for the Gold Edition tho.

It should probably be specified that this is the community market. The title makes it seem more like the main market of Steam. I mean you say Steam Community Market in the lede but then only say Steam Market in the title. Consistency wouldn’t hurt people’s at a glance understanding.

That hallway fight was so good. After this show there's no reason why they can't do a Punisher series. That done right could be astounding.

This show is excellent. I love the pacing, I love the camera work, and I love how both Mike and Jimmy are getting adequate screentime. It doesn’t even strike me as a Breaking Bad-related show!! It stands up so well on its own.

That's nothing. Origin once updated planet Earth for me.

A negative comment from Archaotic.