
Black Desert looks great.

Think it's pretty obvious he was talking about all DS games are compatible with 3DS. While only select PSP/PS1 downloadable titles are playable on the Vita, and you end up missing on some of the best titles that only came out on UMD.

Lol the guys behind them look like the 3 wise monkeys.

How is that the same? Vita is more powerful, and it should be the better machine but Sony just fucked it up.

Other M gameplay was great though. Just the story was dumb.

idk how that's even the same

Feel the same about programming lol

Wouldn't it be nice if Ubisoft posted this on XBLA, PSN, Steam/uPlay store. Ha~

Wow is someone butthurt hard that Insomiac is making a game that isn't on a Sony system.


I'll trade you my Vita for it. I have no need for it after how little shits Sony gives about it.

Gotta love how they really couldn't care less about the Vita. Yay more ports of indie games and a PS1 games for Vita and nothing new besides Severed.

Don't see why not. Wind Waker had this and so did Skyward Sword.

This is your first time watching this, it seems. They done this backstage awards countless times before.

That's what the Nintendo Directs are for.

You serious?

someone is mad that horizon 2 has been getting higher reviews than driveclub, not hard to see that though as one game actually works.

someone is mad that horizon 2 has been getting higher reviews than driveclub, not hard to see that though as one game actually works.



20GB update.

20GB update.