I don’t really think ‘tit pic’ is a phenomenon in the way dick pics are, but we do write about video game breasts pretty often. You’d know this if you actually read Kotaku.com!
I don’t really think ‘tit pic’ is a phenomenon in the way dick pics are, but we do write about video game breasts pretty often. You’d know this if you actually read Kotaku.com!
Gamers Unhappy That Actual Human Is Not In Fact Construct Of Digital Character, Express Displeasure
Nope, sorry, this guy ain’t Gerald Butler, ergo, this is bad cosplay and this guy should feel bad about his genes. How dare he give his own spin to a well-known character, how dare he not be the literal incarnation of Nathan Drake! The nerve!
“It’s all about the players” is just the same lazy equivalent of “The customer is always right”.
That’s a terrible rule. A much better rule is “Make sure everyone is on the same page about the powergaming level of the table.” You can have fantastic campaigns that celebrate players’ abilities to super power their characters just as you can have wonderful campaigns where no one really cares about their characters’…
I would say that everyone at Valve is a gamer. We love games, and there’s no reason we wouldn’t want to make games.
Dude, Mario Maker is AMAZING. Don’t let these criticisms stop you from digging in, or at least considering whatever follow-up they do. I’m not sure I’ve had more fun with a game in the last 10 years.
Nintendo really does have issues getting with the times. A great many developers have learned the hard way that you need to communicate with your communities. About why you make changes or delete things. It breeds good will and trust so people want to stay with the community.
xavier “will partner with known monster dan ryckert” woods
(goes looking for some crime)
You should definitely pick up Rise of the Tomb Raider on sale, if you don’t play it right away. It’s an amazing game and better in every way than the previous game, and well worth full retail price. If you can get it on sale, don’t hesitate.
This article was awesome. Don’t have much more to say.
As long as they keep the conversational emotes, I’m sold. I usually get into a FFA as an archer just to shoot at people and yell “WE’VE GOT TO KILL THOSE ARCHERS!”
I giggle like an idiot the whole time, too :P
I just cannot fathom the approval for Aiden, one of the worst-dressed video game characters of the decade.
Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!
he exposed himself and began to urinate on video games