
Was running pathfinder for some friends, and near the end of a mutli-session adventure the party ends up having to fight an Ancient Black Dragon, our poor half-orc bard was having a hell of a time doing anything so out of desperation uses rope trick to attempt to trip the Dragon. We figure the Save DC and discover the

If I could afford a sub with all the other games I buy I would totally get into this game. In the mean time I will just enjoy these articles.

I would like to say I am surprised, but I am not. None of the trailers had charm, character or soul. And they all came across, imo, as trying to hard to be LoTR, instead of embracing what Warcraft has become.

Reinhardt is indeed a he.

I’ll be over here with the other peons buying a 1070.

So close, yet so far.

That isn’t really a comparison that can be made, Battleborn is a MOBA played in first person. Overwatch is an class based FPS(think Team Fortress 2). I prefer Overwatch, but I am not a fan of MOBAs.

This might be one of the best things I have read all week.

Yeah, I know a lot of people that text like that. You get used to just leaving your phone on silent to not hear it go off 8 times in 2 minutes.

Patrick, you have done an amazing job covering this story and I am so sorry that all of your hard work has made you and family a target. I know hearing/reading that doesn’t help much, if it all, but it had to be said. Keep up the awesome work, and hopefully it all gets better for you soon.

In this case yeah it is putely visual, but it does make me want to find or somehow make a wood controller. I’d probably never use it, but it would be sexy as hell.

Wood grain is just sexy. The look, the feel and depending on the object and the wood used, the smell.

A mix between Overwatch Beta, finishing up Diablo 3 season 5 and probably diving into Payday 2 to try the new stuff.

Armored Core was on last gen with at least 3 different Games. AC:4 AC For Answer and AC5.

Just in case you aren’t trolling, spectator/casting mode allows you to see through walls so the viewers have a better idea of what is going on. The people playing can’t see outlines.

I am hoping for the troll.

It is for consecutive leavers, so people that quit 2-3 games in a row.

Drat! You have figured out the great Blizzard Conspiracy of 2016! Now you must be silenced! Please stay in your residence, a team of Orcs are on their way.

Streamers/YouTubers are very small portion of the beta testers.

I agree with almost all of this, the one exception being that DMing is not all about the players. Don’t get me wrong, unhappy players means no players eventually. But a DM running a game they don’t want to run or unprepared/not experienced enough to run means no game eventually. It is anout finding a comfortable mix