Why was the kid-drives-Corvette commercial pulled? Please tell me I missed something and it's not because "well, we're afraid this commercial will encourage children to steal cars and drive recklessly."
Why was the kid-drives-Corvette commercial pulled? Please tell me I missed something and it's not because "well, we're afraid this commercial will encourage children to steal cars and drive recklessly."
We're in agreement about the importance of introducing girls to STEM (or more broadly, the idea that all kids should be exposed to all opportunities). It's why I bought my Barbie-loving niece a chemistry kit for Christmas.
Honestly, I don't care about the quality of their product. The quality of their message was spot on.
This shit again? Flow, clicks. Flow!
Counterpoint: But, why do the right thing when it's more profitable to do the wrong thing?
Buffalo Mac and Cheese?
Russian Ark - The Yngwie Malmsteen of movies. (I mean that as a compliment. And criticism.)
And the medium rides! Don't forget the medium rides!
This movie doesn't get the love it deserves.
Is anyone brave enough to admit they might react similarly?
And how has being tall affected your self-esteem, The God Emperor of Mankind?
I've made it through Season 5 with increasingly diminished returns. I feel like the light is at the end of the tunnel (especially with only 12 eps/season), but your sentiment is so common that I'm reluctant to press on.
This is slightly off-topic, but does it seem like popular opinion is turning against Nolan's trilogy?
Awww, man! Seven years reading/commenting here and I've been relegated to the grays because I woke up hungover and cranky on Sunday and railed against Carmelo Anthony (fuck that guy, I still say).
And this statue of a distended, horse's ass with untamed hair is a thoughtful tribute to Chris Berman.
A good for solution for people who don't like opiates is to give them to me.
Well, my folks used to be friends with his Jay's parents, and apparently they could sometimes be showy and self-important. So, like most of us, his damage can be traced to Mom and Dad.
Nah. Brain fart. It happens.
Pet Shop Boys, or Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys?
I'm sure this will be great, but I'm already looking forward to Season 3.