
How, how, how could you not know Cynthia's fall was an homage to Madonna's spectacular, internet-breaking fall in that exact outfit?

And don't forget to give her smeckler's powder…

Their mother, Jerri, was also on the Butterfinger Ice Cream Bars ad in 1991, and she's in episode 499: The Daughter Also Rises.

You kill Negan, it doesn't necessarily end the war. Plus, the last time something Eugene created was used in an attempted Negan-murder, the plan failed, and an innocent person got shot in the face.

Eugene is so obviously faking it. What you call 'someone so openly bad at staying alive', I see as someone whose survival skill set is just plain different. He knows when and how to lie so perfectly that it has kept him alive so far, and that's what he's doing again. Eugene's quick-thinking, clever acting could put

I don't think we should really blame anyone for Pete's comeuppance but Pete. I think Pete's death was actually more directly the result of Pete being a violent, family-beating drunk with a tendency towards aggression, driven far more in that moment by the fact his abusee managed to stand up to him thanks to Rick - all

It is a shout-out. The queen you're thinking of is Karen from Finance.

Tatianna is giving me QUOTES. I swear "choices" has become an accidental part of my everyday conversations.

Guys, seriously. Don't feed the muthafuckin' trolls! Learn to walk away when there is no chance of changing anyone's mind and go spend your time convincing reasonable people.

I'm actually a little disappointed in the result, primarily because I don't think, years from now, Bob will be that memorable a winner - but it is made slightly better by the fact he stepped his aesthetic up in the finale.

I think the Negan death is an exception to that. I think there are people guarded when it comes to that. It won't be Maggie, because I doubt they'll let a pregnant woman be bludgeoned that brutally. It won't be Carol, because they're not going to kill off a badass survivor of domestic abuse by having her beaten to

I'm going to limit my thoughts on this subject to five words:

There's no way they're going down that route with him now. That'll end up being Morgan or Abe.

Made us think he's dead? I don't think he's ever disappeared for that long.

I don't think they left the audience wondering there. As far as I can remember, Glenn and Tara get caught in a tunnel collapse, which is when Maggie finally finds them, but by that point the audience had been following both groups' stories.

"I’m not sure this is a trick the show has pulled before—implying a character’s death for several episodes before returning to find them still breathing"

Thank god, I thought I might be the only one who thought this episode was flawed and over-long (also, poor Morgan fans get their excellent Morgan-centric episode, but don't necessarily get that it's a big hint at him being dead before the season's out).

He's been on it before, hasn't he?

It's about the outbreak, but not about how the virus started or where it came from. The point of both of them is how the world and human relationships would change under those circumstances. It's a 'family drama'. This just happens to be a different, earlier chapter in the same universe that shows the world going to

Anyone expecting this show to explain how the virus actually starts, lower your expectations now. Kirkman's said he has an idea of how it all started, but has no interest in explaining it (at least yet) because it's not what these shows/the comics are about.