How do Indy car’s lap times compare to F1's? They don’t.
How do Indy car’s lap times compare to F1's? They don’t.
If the stuff I bought off of wish is any indication, this isn’t going to end well for buyers.
Get this car to the ER stat, because it is suffering from kidney failure.
Those fenders make it incredibly easy to place the front tires precisely on the apex of the corner. Sometimes you have to understand the function to appreciate the form.
That right hand mirror isn’t OEM and believe it or not, that will hurt the value.
Ever notice how they never put exotics in these Carvana vending machines? Pretty sure I know the reason why.
Rednecks will be rednecks.
“No longer a contender for the overall victory”
That’s cold blooded.
Oh and dirt track! Maybe mud bogging? They could run paddles and convert all the aero for lift as they fly across the surface like Jesus.
Sooooo going by your logic they would also have to have a drag racing round in addition to oval racing. With all due respect, that idea ain’t worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin’ it on.
“I’ll be damned if I’m going to suffer with this God-forsaken PRV V6 alone!!”
Why has there been no discussion of premiere class riders doing the same thing? Rossi’s famous kick caused Marquez to actually crash! And it wasn’t the first time Rossi kicked another rider. People have blown this way own of proportion and it’s being used to set an example, but they’ve done more than enough. Hell…
I also think its funny that I’ve yet to see a single person share those sentiments and also mention Rossi. What about him kicking off Marquez? Where was his attempted murder sentence? Its racing. Shit happens when you mix adrenaline and youth. He only hurt himself in the end so who cares?
See!! Let them take your guns and the rest of your freedom will follow!! Truck no!!!
You misspelled heresy*
This is painful. Sedans are coupés. Wagons are shooting brakes. Cars are SUVs. Up is down. Down is up. Good is evil. Evil is good. Is nothing sacred anymore?!
The next owner of this will have the exact same theme song for every drive...livin’ on a prayer...
The 2 is easy. It overlaps backwards on the S. Which is ironically how Mustangs typically exit the roadway.
Nom nom nom nom nom