
You asked for heartbreaking so I’ll give it to you. Maybe not exactly what you meant, but heartbreaking none the less. When I was about 21 I hung with a small group of friends. We were pretty tight and usually hung out daily. Two of the guys we’ll call Paul and Randy(because their names are Paul and Randy)were

DUDE...where’s my car?!

I was at the D1 USA vs Japan Allstar in Fontana that December with media credentials and it was amazing. I still have a hoodie signed by Kumakubo(winner) and Tsuchiya. I’ll always miss drifting in it’s infancy in the US. 

As dumb as the biker was, he/she wasn’t anywhere close to being the dumbest individual in this situation.

I wonder if it has anything to do with BS like this!

130+ average for the fast boys

No. Never. The information is available to everyone to make wise choices. If you make a poor decision and pay too much, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Well they DID say production.

Fifth gen Camaro heater core.

Really though, how is this any different than cowhides?

How DARE they make a profit! LOL

Cars...and bikes?

Soo...why can’t I say gearbox? I heard plenty of people use it in the south where I live and grew up. Still do as a matter of fact (probably more now with the success of Top Gear). You didn’t really mention why you shouldn’t say it now versus any other time in history. Or maybe I missed the point, that none of us

Is he wearing a damn scarf....with a t-shirt?

Not that I’m a fan of either, you neglected to mention when Obama said... “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.”

Oh and it would have been legendary if you had gotten it right!

Well put Sir!

The fact that everyone assumes you’re materialistic. I couldn’t care less what others think about me or material things, but people don’t understand that cars (and motorcycles) are different. It’s not about the car or the image, it’s about the experience you can have in the car. It’s also history. I have a 1966 MGB

The lofty number of the cruise diesel is 52 MPG? Is 52 MPG lofty?This old ass Honda got 56.