Yeah, my wife and kids would probably be on this dirtbag’s “peaceful ethnic cleansing” list. I’ve never punched anyone in my adult life, but if Spencer popped up in front of me, I might have to make an exception.
Yeah, my wife and kids would probably be on this dirtbag’s “peaceful ethnic cleansing” list. I’ve never punched anyone in my adult life, but if Spencer popped up in front of me, I might have to make an exception.
Yes. Especially when you have the new President pounding phrases like “America first,” a call back to the America First movement which pressed the U.S. not to enter into WWII and sympathized with the Nazi regime.
Wish I had the video, but at my UNI on November 8th, there were borderline riots outside the freshman dorms. Everyone was shouting “fuck trump” but one IDIOT thought it was a good idea to rip his shirt off, put on an american flag bandana and stand in the middle of the crowd and shout in his HEAVY southern accent…
My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in…
“More than 60 people across Europe have died in winter-related tragedies... ...Refugees, the elderly and the homeless (and obviously, these categories overlap for many people) were hit hardest, especially in rural areas.”
Not shitty training, finely honed racism.
Calm down. He’s not in office yet. But prepare to be disappointed.
We’re all better off with President Grab-A-Pussy, sure.
Wow that’s a stupid hashtag hahahaha
It also has nothing to do with Hillary what so ever, but you couldn’t stop yourself from dragging her into it
You’re really fun at parties, aren’t you?
Especially considering how they treated Obama before he was sworn in. What’s good for the goose is apparently not good for the gander.
I’m gonna guess the joke flew right over your head then.
You are every bit as reactionary as your president-elect.
What are you doing that you somehow don’t see these folks bleating what they think and how they think from every available outlet? They are not exactly keeping that shit a secret. They are not silent. In fact, they will not shut the fuck up, ever.
I guess, but god only knows how many dipshits will become sympathetic or get recruited. Free speech is like a pipe bomb with a mercury switch stuffed in a hot potato these days.
The confederacy is a cancer on our nation and it has metastasized. The prognosis is not good.
My brain shuts down to protect itself everytime I see one of those flags, up here. Michigan sent something like 90,000 men to fight the rebels during the war (that was nearly a quarter of the entire male population of the state at the time) and almost 15,000 perished. The only statue on the capitol lawn is of our…
My problem with this program isn’t so much that it gives a platform to racists, but that it creates a straw man where people begin to believe that the KKK or the National Alliance are the most dangerous organizations in the US.
Yeah the only reason I could think of for the girl to have it was to tell the world she doesn’t like black people.