I don’t really agree it wasn’t foreshadowed as well, but i can somewhat see where some of the complaints are coming from.
I don’t really agree it wasn’t foreshadowed as well, but i can somewhat see where some of the complaints are coming from.
Hey man, all i’ve ever wanted is for someone to say “fuck it” and destroy that damn throne. Monarchy in westeros clearly does not work.
I thought this show went into edgy nihilism the moment the red wedding happened.
I just can’t buy Danny was a typically “good person” I know the types of opressor she is, so it was really hard for me to see her as empathetic and caring.
A constitutional monarchy, today, is essentially a democratic insituiton through and through. The monarch little to no power in a constitutional monarchy. Your system is essentially Canada’s system with a pretty little king or queen (of course with their own regional differences).
“Thanks for making the world a shittier, more shallow place to live in.”
i needed a good laugh today.
It is pretty much why I don’t want kpop videos. I usually just look for a lyrics for a song if I like it since I can’t really give myself anymore to help these companies. I rarely, if ever, give them my views on their channel knowing the things trainees have to go through and still go through when they become groups.
It IS a huge machine.
“Moskovitz always reports on DV”
“narrative that the guy is always guilty”
Hey, don't blame me. That is what other people have told me about the movie, that it felt too long. Maybe you disagree but the it was a problem.
Oh, i wasn’t just talking about here, just in general.
“to have them only be a force to be defeated is not good storytelling.”
i’m not just talking about payoff, I’m talking about pacing, in which have said that Endgame felt pretty long. And if we want to get anecdotal, most i know preferred infinity war, but that is beside the point.
Huh, interesting. Most tell me Endgame was the one that took forever.
“You skipped the part about how he lived in abject poverty in a country that didn’t give a shit about him until he was tall and could shoot a basketball.
Yeah, that’s true, but it also doesn’t stop most people who make blanketed statements. It’s like someone from anywhere still thinking NYC is still a “dangerous city”
I mean, it also does not help that Colombia IS more dangerous than the US (it has a higher homicide rate), but I also wouldn’t bothered if someone from like, France or Japan told their friend traveling to the US to be careful.
I thought everyone in America associates Alabama with poverty?