
By the time an auto worker is bolting shit up, the design is done. The engineering is done. The process by which it will put it together is done. And the QA program to verify that the process is done correctly is done.

Any union field rep will tell you the same thing, 90% of our time is dealing with 10% of our people, but though they may be fuckups, the company is ignoring the contract, which spells out the manner in which fuckups are to terminated, and that cannot stand. Honor thy contract.

How many cars do robots need?

With Icahn’s activist shareholder philosophical takeover of Wall St, the people who own the companies seemingly don’t give a fuck about company longevity either. I’ll bet the UAW and it’s workers care more, since they just can’t pull out financially and move on to greener pastures to fuck up like the Icahns of the

In a union. I pay about ~1500/yr in dues. I make 2x on the check (at least), plus benefits over what non union makes. The dues are not outrageous.

Workers just make the cars. If the cars are shit, it’s the designers and engineers, and management’s fault for approving the designs and engineering. If the assembly is shit, it’s the manufacturer’s process and QA’s fault. If the company can’t figure out the process and the controls, they get what they get.

Workers have rights without having to pay unions for those rights that came about because unions fought for those rights. ftfy

Tell that to the tech workers at Google, Apple, Adobe, and Intel, whose companies all committed a crime by collusion on wage fixing. That’s a form of theft.

Here is the word everyone needs to know on unions as well as on corporations, governments, NGOs, churches, etc.; all of them are made up of people. It is not the

I worked at Tonopah Solar/Crescent Dunes/Whatever they wound up calling that shit show. And I had about 100 friends work at and build Ivanpah. I could have, but I was working Oregon at Intel, and it was July when the calls were coming in for hands, and this pipefitter is a fair weather pipefitter. North in the summer,

I like salmon more than I like birds. And there’s not enough rivers to power it all. And you can’t guarantee you have enough water all the time; looking at you Hoover Dam.

Well it’s always a battle between people who want to own the mills and people who want to let people own their own mills. Goes back to feudalism. One would hope that the tech would set us free someday, but inevitably the ubers of the world, instead of breaking the taxi cartels, join them instead. When you see some

No dry steam refers to the water content of steam. When you boil water, the bubbling popping part entrains tiny amounts of water into the steam. At power houses they superheat the steam until it is as water free as possible to achieve max efficiency. Also that entrained water if you left it there would increase

I felt bad for them, 4-5 years stuck in the middle of nowhere Nevada. Truly a hardship position. Nothing to do when you’re off work, not a lot of women. The main bar in town became Fight Club. But then I remember it was the highest paid job in North America for pipefitters, they went non-union who brought in nothing

I don’t think this one uses a brine system of any sort. I think they make steam with solar, prime it with a gas fired system in the a.m. and run it until the sun goes down. It doesn’t look at all like the plant in Tonopah, NV. Tonopah Solar Crescent Dunes w/e they wound up calling it. There they had two massive tanks

There’s a wash station on each one. I dunno if they are automated or not. I know they piped them, but I didn’t work on this job.

Now playing

When it goes wrong at Oil and Gas facilities it is not cool. Some insulation and wires got fried at the solar plant? Big whoop. No one had to run for their lives.

When I was at Tonopah Solar they said it was a salt brine solution, but not sodium, or not pure molten sodium. It’s been awhile, and the engineers were Spaniards, and assholes.

Steam plants are dry steam. Other than it might creat a non oxygen environment I dunno how good it would work as a fire suppresion system. Cheaper to just use a separate system designed just for that. Prime driver steam lines are not just banged together. Multi-inch pipe wall thickness, chrome alloys, xray welded,

4000 acres of public desert land, doing jack fucking shit. Also cats kill more birds. Please don’t pretend like you care about the birds, unless you’re also out protesting oil spills every other week.