This reminds me of the "Make it modest!" photo spreads that used to appear in the mormon press when I was a kiddie.
This reminds me of the "Make it modest!" photo spreads that used to appear in the mormon press when I was a kiddie.
@shadoobie: Well...the truth is that black people did vote for prop 8 in pretty high numbers.
I'm clueless about fashion but this is awesome. I'd buy one of these dresses if I had the money and wear it to the grocery store.
It's official: Christmas has come early.
I watch things like this occasionally with my mother. They're usually a bit slow for me, although a charming british accent definitely helps...
@F*ckin' Mireille: how does she work?: Shocking new article - GQ adds "living", "breathing", and "existing" to the list of things that motivate men sexually!
@epurple12: Dear Internet Commenter,
J. Franz, human being: +1
@snacktastic: I'm convinced I'll see machines literally plugging into the brain in my lifetime.
@silverforkedsky:'s slighty too pretty to ever be found on the clearance rack at Wal-Mart!
I quit my first Real Job at a Big Company with this little gem:
@Br1zon: Your long and hilariously defensive response aside, you still...totally missed the point.
@BytheSea: I think that's just how his sense of humor tends to come across in print...I have the same problem, a lot of the time.
I don't have this problem because I avoid spending alone time with my father at all costs, but this post has given me a new business idea:
This feature has totally become Tweet "Laugh at/feel superior to the stupid people who populate Trash Culture" Beat.
@BowlingForDollars: I always, always, always hear this excuse whenever I criticize the way women are treated in hollywood.
@Cheddar4: I agree. I would have loved this movie if Olive had actually had sex or even fooled around with even ONE person.
@Br1zon: ....did you see the point, up there somewhere, as it zipped past you, miles over your head?
@LoringWebster: Agreed, this was very cool.
@keepingqueer: But he makes violent, homophobic, and misogynist look so ridiculous's kind of funny.