Daring Do

I really like these cars, and I’m sure this one is a blast to drive.
But. The stickers, exhaust, and tree stuff all over the car tell me it has been absolutely flogged. I’d be willing to bet those low miles have not been easy on it at all, and the next owner will have to deal with that eventually. CP from me.


They’ll just electrify crossovers and not bother with expensive and niche compliance compacts.

Maybe understand that hospitals are not laying people off becuase they are not busy, but that they have cut all non-essential procedures and operations, in order to mitigate infection and transmission. That is why they are have been laying people off.

So, when a caretaker goes to the same grocery store as your freedom loving ass, gets infected, and then ends up incidentally killing a large percentage of elderly people at the facility, it was the old peoples’ fault?

Musk is a clear example of someone who is good at one thing thinking he’s good at everything and making an ass of himself at every opportunity as a result.

Yea, my gut says it’s safe to reopen now! Why should I listen to pandemic experts who say it’s the wrong time? Muh Freedom!

Username doesn’t check out.

Everything you’re complaining about is done by motorists far more frequently. I applaud when I see someone actually come to a full, complete stop because it rarely happens. Turn signals? Anecdotally I’d call it less than 50%. A significant chunk of motorists barely pay attention to what they’re doing and it’s getting

Drivers roll stop signs. Drivers speed. Drivers fail to use their turn signals. Drivers text while driving and generally act like entitled assholes. I’m not surprised they’re killing people.

I’m not a fan of cyclists blowing stop signs either, but let’s be clear: everyone bends traffic rules. I also doubt many cyclists

“The clear asshole here is the person who signed the HOA agreement and then blatantly broke it because they think the rules only apply when convenient.”

Indefinitely parking a broken car on the lawn to support a hobby is not the same as temporarily parking a functional RV in what appears to be the very likely event that a family member will need to quarantine themselves.

Because even in extraordinary times, it’s our bureaucratic red tape that separates us from wild animals.

You do realize this is a pretty unique situation right? 

There is no such thing as a good HOA. Only ones that haven’t released their inner evil yet.

Are you seriously suggesting that someone with limited funds, “the poors” as you call them, should choose a 20 year old SUV over a used Honda Fit? Please tell me you’re not a financial planner. 

Nah, mate. A used Honda Fit is the perfect car for someone on a limited income. They sip gas, are insanely reliable, will hold all your crap, can fit two car seats, and hold their resale value. Also, I don’t know where you’re looking but used ones are not very expensive (they were never that expensive to begin with).

Maybe mass transit would be better if we stopped subsidizing cars and roads so much. And you know what would be great for poor people? Affordable mass transit.

Lol at Jalopnik trying to tell people not to buy a specific type of car when they’re a automobile enthusiast site.

apparently, your vision.