Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.
Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.
His superhuman OT powers are going to start working any day now, I’m sure. No more chipmunks for him then, I tell ya.
This misunderstanding could have been avoided if only they had Stephen A. Smith on hand to translate.
I always find it funny when they suddenly go from fluent Spanish to English when they say an American’s name.
Headline: Bald Eagle Pummels Canadian Goose After All
Growing up in LA, I’ve watched far too many Clipper games in my day. In the late 90's/early aughts, Bill Walton was the color man for the team’s local broadcast. With the Clippers down a cool 30 in both the game and the standings, Sean Rooks would inevitably hit an elbow jumper, and Bill would, with irrational…
We’ve talked about the Penguins’ depth, constructed through signings and trades and able to carry the load on nights…
Would you rather fight one Clayton Kershaw sized duck or a hundred duck-sized Clayton Kershaws?