Daria Morgendorfer

Is wer bad, comrade.

I’m picturing this happening at a hockey game and it’s glorious.

For all of its problems, they do have a system that moves people in a speedy way. It’s not Los Angeles, for one thing.

I drove past it once, as it was a hotel were a bunch of old Hollywood stars used to live in another life, and it was completely people less and still at like 4pm. I was too creeped out to even get out to take photos. (Don’t get me started on their Hollywood Blvd. store-fronts. Creepy AF.)

OK, good to know. I saw the documentary, but knowing a lot about the Church Full O’Nuts (I live and work very near Clearwater and the Tampa Bay Times has done numerous longforms) not much of it surprised me. But I was glad it was made knowing that it wasn’t something people probably delved into as much as I had (not

I went to the Celebrity Center this past weekend for a meeting. I thought the organizer had just rented space, but nope, he was One of Them and it was creepy as fuck.

Guy’s been running on fumes for a couple years now, (doesn’t seem like it will end well.)

A million stars for the Finkle-Einhorn reference.

And the documentary didn’t touch even half of the batshit stuff in the book.

At what point do we just call him a professional litigant? Or does his status as professional asshole already suggest that?

I imagine his breath was rancid.

I’m hoping for a Finkle-Einhorn scenario where we learn Shelly *is* David, haven killed the real David Miscavige years ago and quietly assumed his throne.

I hope there is a chapter devoted to L. Ron Hubbard’s scary teeth.

BS. This man was the CEO of a public company (he had no right being the CEO of a public company, but that’s another story). He is really at the bottom of the barrel when he’s claiming, “yeah, I may have SIGNED that, but I didn’t understand it at all.” This stuff is often sophisticated, and the documents can be

he is sooooo punchable

Dov, baby, just stop talking for a while, maybe sit the next couple plays out.

Well, Dov knows he has a fool for a client.

Excellent choice, RoK.