
Damn, you got a point there. There is a pretty good chance that they meant “Let’s go hang her from a tree until she’s dead.” And even if he didn’t, there’s a pretty good chance someone would read his comment and say “I think he means let’s go hang her from a tree until she’s dead. I will now act on that advice, and do

Also, fuck you for that Klan comparison. If you think “lynching people for being black” and “calling someone out for shitty behavior” are equivalent tactics, you’re an idiot.

You’re welcome, fuckwit. =)

There was nothing tough to understand. It was just fucking stupid and lazy fucking writing. You are a motherfucking dipshit for liking it.

No, it didn’t. In fact Patton acknowledges that this is an elaboration on an existing theory—the one you just posted.

Morning fuckwit, how goes the pathetic existence? =)

Wow, you’ve had stupid fucking opinions for a LONG time. Good to know - this is definitely not a momentary lapse in judgement.

Oh noes, whatever will I do when my burner account gets banned? Don’t worry, if it’s cathartic for your stupid fucking mind, go nuts. I’ll promise you that you’re going to get this for the ongoing future going forward. I’ll even write a little script that will give you fun things to delete. Have fun!

Oh course a Duke official is afraid that teenagers on campus would hear a song called “Get Paid” and start getting ideas. That’s an NCAA violation!

You opinion on his “take” of Watchmen - which by the way was also fucking awful especially compared to the original novel and would have been handled FAR better by numerous other directors - isn’t fucking qualified either.

“And it’s not that Snyder is a bad filmmaker”

Will say this as nice as possible: not my fucking problem. It’s white people’s fucking problem to fix this as they’re the ones who caused this to begin with - their influence has led to it being perpetuated by everyone (even those who aren’t white).

That fucking angered me. Fuck that guy and genuinely fuck his parents. A good set of parents wouldn’t have raised a shitbag like that and would have fucking disowned him for the shit that he did. I hope they all get the worst diseases and die motherfucking SLOW and fucking painful deaths, including every single person

What would be great is if we can eliminate POC as a fucking term. I refuse to be called one. I’m brown. The end. POC just continues to perpetuate a dichotomy of “white” and “the rest”.

I got an idea...

I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

How come Cap’s Jaw is still attached after that hit by Thanos ?

Please copy and paste my comment along with the link demonstrating my “gross hatred of Latinos.”

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

I’m loving watching you flail.

Adapt or fucking die motherfucker. Fuck those people. None of them deserve my fucking sympathy.