
In what world do YOU live in where fresh-out-of-college kids in the tech industry can afford a mid-engine supercar? Those tech kids might have a really high salary number right out of school, but most of that salary is going to living expenses, I guarantee you.

If shown a proper chart they would see all the useless non-productive and grossly overpaid government jobs that are taking very large percentages of the taxes they pay for salaries and pensions right off the top before any of the things they want are even considered. I doubt it is just Illinois....

No. That’s unnecessarily broad. Let’s just ban lithium batteries in cars.

Tbh, the full price is worth it, not only because the dev deserve it, but because the game is a masterpiece.

The answer is always Laserdisc.

correct, and one would be somewhat foolish to absolutely trust this new tech. I’m still amazed that people would want to use this feature.

I’d be more outraged if D2 exotics were exciting to get in the first place.

have fun in trials everybody.

Only a good guy with a fire space laser can stop a bad guy with a fire space laser.

Kicking out people who break into our country is not a bad thing.

Being Jewish is not illegal. Being Mexican is not illegal. Being illegal is illegal. Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Law enforcement officers who are actually enforcing the laws are happy to be able to do their jobs? Who could have guessed?

I wouldn’t say they aren’t trying to preserve them. Online streaming service which honestly is going to be how we all play games at some point in the future. You can have literally every game made and playable. They invested too much money in acquiring companies for the streaming tech to just get rid of the streaming

It’s not about grinding, its about substance. Gone are the days of RAIDS like Wrath of the machine where you find monitors to activate which in turn gives you access to another quest line in pursuit of an Outbreak Prime exotic weapon. No more collecting Calcified fragments to unlock the Touch of Malice Exotic etc. You

New fone who dis?

i used to be better... too many idiots on the net now, so can’t really be sure what is sarcasm or pure ignorance.