
I'm going to call it now. Tripplet is Dum Dum Dugan's grandson, not Nate Jones. Nate Jones had no kids in the known Marvel universe Dugan does and it would be a small mind blower for most people (just look at comments behind this for how much people will say it's not true or "impossible" because he is black)

Ward was basically a fugitive for arson and attempted murder as a teenager(and possibly getting tried as an adult). Did it also seem like Garret "broke" him out essentially making him said fugitive and then sets him up survivalist style in the woods for years of the grid? Shield recruits in strange ways kind of like

I'm pretty sure Talagnu is Damon Locks of Trenchmouth (google it)

funny thing is they will have super powers/ I think Sky may have the ability to either unknowingly control people or some type of mutant attraction/pheromones because I've noticed they have made it a point that almost everyone is drawn to her and to protect her and it seems like more that throw-away plot device