
Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

I god damn loathe region exclusivity.

How do you feel about Nixon, are you running over to piss on his grave? I don’t think Trump has let thousands of people in the armed services die for political gain yet.

The fact that this article is behind a paywall is part of the problem. No Washington Post Democracy won’t die in darkness it will die behind a fucking paywall. You, The Boston Globe, NY Times & other outlets that people need to be reading should not be charging a fee to read these articles. There is a reason this

Everyone involved in the hiring process is garbage. Wasting their time is a joy.

Jesus Christ...get over yourself and your accents and your don’t do this and don’t do that. If this is the biggest thing that we have to worry about at the Golden Globes then we are doing ok. Some dude chooses to have fun with an accent or language and we are up in arms? Remember that the next time you drop into a

And the same goes for you. 6 days into 2020 and you already have something to cry/whine/feel offended about.

So after clothes and hairstyles, we now have to add languages/dialects of non-white countries/regions to things white people are no longer allowed to use? This gets weirder by the day.

This is the correct take. Gervais is a cockwomble.

First, the title of this article is disappointing. It is very click-bait-ey. No one ever said “it was Carrie Fisher’s fault”. That’s ridiculous. What was said (which was in the other articles this article was sourced from) was that they couldn’t make the extra (previously shot) footage of Carrie Fisher work well with

But when replacing a burnt out taillight involves “learning to code”, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.

Yo this headline seems more edgelord-ish than usual.

Translation: please buy more things so gawker can make more money!

Translation: please buy more things so gawker can make more money!

These are all shitty deals. This section of Kotaku is just embarrassing with all the shameless shilling on a constant basis.

These are all shitty deals. This section of Kotaku is just embarrassing with all the shameless shilling on a constant

Adding fake prices to get clicks, nice!

Adding fake prices to get clicks, nice!

I think it’s time to update that weighted blanket photo. First, it is so old; second, it probably the least enticing position to enjoy a weighted blanket with pressure directly under your knees and no back support.

I think it’s time to update that weighted blanket photo. First, it is so old; second, it probably the least enticing

This code is not avaliable right now

This code is not avaliable right now

i got a weighted blanked from bed bath and beyond.  all the weight shifted to one side :( 

i got a weighted blanked from bed bath and beyond.  all the weight shifted to one side :( 

This weighted blanket is a mother smother.

This weighted blanket is a mother smother.