These are and incredible find Chris, thank you so much for sharing. My condolences on the loss of your Grandfather. Didigof, heck out documentary called "Radio Bikini" by Robert Stone. It is most excellent.
These are and incredible find Chris, thank you so much for sharing. My condolences on the loss of your Grandfather. Didigof, heck out documentary called "Radio Bikini" by Robert Stone. It is most excellent.
You've not seen 12 Monkeys I take it?
The Shuttle engines are impressive but they don't compare to the Boeing/Rocketdyne F-1 engines on the Saturn V. These engines were 18 feet tall, 12 feet across and delivered 1,500,000 pounds of thrust each. Five of these would burn for 2.5 minutes and consume 1 ton of kerosene and 2 tons of LOX per second. They were…
Kitradu, take a look at They have been restoring all of the NASA footage and do a fantastic job of it.
BSG did a pretty damn fine job of portraying a one legged Felix Gaeta. Just saying.
Excellent point Craig.
Derek Reese totally caught me off guard the first time I saw it, but come on, everyone knew that "Donald Gennaro, That Lawyer on the Toilet in Jurassic Park" was toast. There were several deaths in BSG that were a surprise but seeing Dee bite it was the most shocking.
@MrFlake: BSG had a great knack for producing excellent cliffhangers. Loved that series.
@fallorn: Agreed!
@downdb: Oh wow! I completely forgot about "Anasazi". Good call there.
@Cold_War_Relic: Of course the final episode of Space:Above and Beyond might be considered a cliffhanger. Damn fine series.
Thank you for including Jericho. I loved this show and felt that it never got the treatment it deserved. Also "Duane Barry" was my all time favorite X-Files episodes.