
BSG did a pretty damn fine job of portraying a one legged Felix Gaeta. Just saying.

Excellent point Craig.

Derek Reese totally caught me off guard the first time I saw it, but come on, everyone knew that "Donald Gennaro, That Lawyer on the Toilet in Jurassic Park" was toast. There were several deaths in BSG that were a surprise but seeing Dee bite it was the most shocking.

@MrFlake: BSG had a great knack for producing excellent cliffhangers. Loved that series.

@downdb: Oh wow! I completely forgot about "Anasazi". Good call there.

@Cold_War_Relic: Of course the final episode of Space:Above and Beyond might be considered a cliffhanger. Damn fine series.

Thank you for including Jericho. I loved this show and felt that it never got the treatment it deserved. Also "Duane Barry" was my all time favorite X-Files episodes.