I think the whole World is thinking..... Is this really the BEST we have???
I think the whole World is thinking..... Is this really the BEST we have???
There’s only one way to culturally approriate music as an artist - by claiming to be the inventor of it.
The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.
Yes. And let’s ask all white passengers whether they object to sitting next to minority races too, just to be super polite!
It’s such a double standard. And in addition to the cigarette pushing, all that plastic surgery can’t exactly be “healthy”either; toxic botox injected in skin, unnecessary anesthesia, foreign objects inserted into boobs, risk of infection etc etc. Why does she think that she can be unhealthy and still be a model and…
I’m extremely pro-choice (and work in OB at a Catholic hospital, so... it’s a struggle), but I didn’t get the impression from the information in this write-up that we’re talking about a ball of unviable cells here. If we’re talking about like, a 25-week-old baby that should have gone to term, I don’t care what kind of…
I have never felt pain quite like the pain of giant veiny-blue engorged breasts.
I am a case manager for low income families. A lot of my clients have some trouble with family planning and regardless of the fact that some of them live off of less that a thousand dollars a month, continue having baby after baby. Do I think it’s right to keep bringing children into poverty? No. Do I keep my opinions…
Of course we’ve been there! Hey- man! Isn’t it fun to tell your wife she’s pregnant? hahha oh my gosh! I got to do that hehe when I stole my wife’s urine! But then her uterus emptied out (sad face). I was so sad that the first thing we did was make a video and put it online for profit!
They’re all just waiting for the Supermodel delivery that they’ve convinced themselves that they deserve. Any day now, an army of Victoria’s Secret angels will be dropped off at their doorsteps, and they will claim what is their due. Until then, it is the Cheeto-dusted, cramped-hand, incel waiting game behind their…
You make a lot of good points. The only thing is: if she actually cared about shielding one of her daughters from being publicly shamed, she would not have accepted the VP nomination.
@erin in upstate manhattan: "About 1 in 800 babies is born with Down Syndrome. Though popular belief is that babies with it are born mostly to older mothers, in fact 80% of these babies are born to mothers under age 35. More mothers under age 35 give birth, than those over 35, thus raising the percentage of babies…