
I’m 5’10 with wet hair and bare feet, but my “pageant height” (i.e.: heels, hair and good posture) is usually around 6’3” so taller than the vast majority of people. I pretty much never leave the house in anything less than a 2” platform, because I need the cushioning, so my regular walking-around height is still just

Thanks, I kind of needed to hear that.

Chihuahuas? Really? This is such a tired trope. I’ll be sure to remember it the next time I see a tall guy acting like a domineering jerk, merely fulfilling his destiny as a member of the vertically blessed. He can’t help it, after all. It’s a function of his height.

There’ s a reason he’s guarding our galaxy, you know.

How would withelding nutrition from an individual affect their genes? No need to answer, it woudlnt.

Really? All guys you’ve dated under 5’10” have had a complex about it? Huh, that’s weird.

Eh. This is BS. Short guys have no interest in dating ‘taller’ women, and by ‘taller’ I mean anyone even close to or greater than their height, unless you are certified skinny. I’m an athletic size 14/16 and at 5’6” way to ‘big’ [emphasis theirs] to date. Most guys, whatever their height, are only interested in

She has the sense of humor of a serial killer, so yes - she’s just being a cunt. Not surprising considering some of her previous posts.

She’s a racist psycho who thinks she’s funny, but she’s actually a psycho.

Shitty gifs are what they consider conversation.

  1. Feminism is a complex social system with interacting parts. The complexity of this system camouflages the core nature of it.

You mean, like women only gyms, only with genders reversed?

It’s like the Harvard Hasty Pudding theater dilemma - are there any women’s only hair salons? If so, where is the discrimination?

Women can always turn them down citing ‘safe space’ reasons. It’s an old ploy, just look at all female gyms for example.

maybe start your own tradition rather than attempting to co-opt what these men have been able to achieve over the years? or is that somehow an unreasonable request to make?

When you’ve got nothing to say, repeat it over and over again. When you’ve got nothing to say, repeat it over and over again. When you’ve got nothing to say, repeat it over and over again. When you’ve got nothing to say, repeat it over and over again. When you’ve got nothing to say, repeat it over and over again. When

This cis hetero doesn’t like to be called cis hetero. This cis hetero doesn’t like to be called cis hetero.

C. Brown is certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I seriously doubt that her read “Atlanta Black Gay Pride Weekend event” and “the biggest girl party in the country,” and assumed, that the girls in attendance were part of his usual fan base. Come on, I call bs on this.

This logic is way too simplistic.