
$200k and didn't get laid? What a Moron! =D

Never paid for an OSX update. Now, an upgrade is something different.

The vast majority of USB3 ports (actually none) won't be able to transmit a full HD signal to a monitor and transfer large amount of files to external HD simultaneously, through one cable, either.

For the average listener you're absolutely right, most people can't even hear the difference between a mp3 file a cd track.

Of course not, and I'm not saying that this isn't a d*ck move. But when it comes to business, market share and profits are priority.

I was pretty happy with 720p, still didn't change the urge to get a higher picture resolution.

I'm still using the 1st gen. iPhone. It's the best phone I've ever had, and I love the design.

"The main difference is, is that mp3s play anywhere, whereas, for Kindle books, NookBooks, etc., a dedicated app is needed to read"

Instead of insisting of an apology from Apple they should write that letter to their company or their government and request better work conditions.

The Xoom launches on Thursday? Then let's hope Apple doesn't launch anything on that day.

I don't want to sound like a total a**, but you should get used to it.

I guess that's the point why Apple is implementing it. Apple wants to sell its books to the customers they got because of the iOS platform.

And chances are the battery is dead by then. 0.o

No, this is why you should tell them to go f*ck themselves and file a lawsuit if you get denied the job based on the failure to comply.

The iPad 2 will be the direct competitor of all the tablets being released this year, not the iPad from 2010.

Yeah, that's a joke. I would never pay $25 for a cd, unless it comes with something that's worth at least $10.

You're right, but you're comparing a product that still has to hit the shelves with something on the market for almost one year.

Amazon won't pull their app off, don't worry about that, and if they do than it's because they don't give a crap about their customers.

Because a gallon of milk costs the same as it did in the 90's.

How exactly does it affect you?