
@sss888: Mass of random star ≠ mass of sun.

So much product and UI design and they can't pay some artists to come up with some cool sounds?

@barrywoods: I think the term for it is arbitrary justice. That's much better. Basically the same thing as drinking water and public and getting arrested for it. It's fine, since they release you after about 24h since you've done anything wrong. =)

@2 replies: My example is supposed to show you why non Americans say that Americans are dumb.

@Yerzriknot: Matters of national security my a##. That's a stupid excuse to violate your rights for whatever purpose they want. Hitler did the same back in the 30s, all because of "National Security".

@2 replies: LOL. Right. You are aware that since the Patriot Act you can get your butt arested, hold in prison for unlimited time, have your place searched without warrant and no right to a lawyer if you are suspected to be a terrorist. Once released you are forbidden to talk to anybody about it, not even a lawyer. So

Music wasn't mixed on NS-10s, they served as a reference monitor. If your mix sounds good on them (they are actually pretty terrible) it will sound good on anything.

Banned from the US for life? Man, that kids life is forever destroid. How will he be able to survive now?

Why don't they just a make a watch out of it, cant be that difficult to figure out.

There's areason why I don't listen to radio anymore. Here in S. FL most of the stations play Regaton and R&B. Nothing against that music style, but 24/7?

The stupid 2GB data cap isn't helpmg either.

@finnigan16: I don't know, when they switched off the light I couldn't see one single light source.

@Jordan Cohen: Why would you want to live with such a douch for an entire year?

Is it just me or does the robot look like Usher?

@Brian Richards: I guess everybody is too focused on Apple to notice what's going on for years.

Is it a good idea to satnd next to it like that guy in the white shirt?

@Live N Learn: Mistake number one was to take the pictures in the first place to send to her boyfriend. Even the best boy/girlfriend can turn to your arch enemy later in life.