@Chris Patterson: If you don't like it you return it, what is so disrespectful?
@Chris Patterson: If you don't like it you return it, what is so disrespectful?
@2 replies: Thanks for the tip. Gonna check on it.
@walkingdogs: Yes it is. Don't confuse smartphones with smartphone OS. Mr. Turner was talking about the iPhone 4 not iOS4.
@Realityism ▲: XP which would be the 3GS in this comparison. iPhone 4 is selling, Vista did not. Your point?
@ninjacrusader: They are at the top. Deal with it. I saw bars go dowm on the three devices shown by Apple. Steve made it's point and put other companies in the same spot Apple is right now. Genius move!
@Trickyhop: Watch the press release.
@David Billiter: Because you have good coverage where you're at. To see the iPhone drop you have to have a low signal to begin with.
@beentold: As small minded as your comment I guess.
@Apollo: Apple hates them because Gizmodo blackmailed them. So much for good "journalism".
@PsychoSuperman: Did you understand what Jobs said?
@Chris Patterson: What are you? 12?
Can't we just send a signed a petition to congress a build a wall around them?
I handle my privacy settings rather well. The only things that sucks are my "friends" that keep uploading pictures of me and tagging them. I spend a lot of time deleting the tags and keep dodging cameras on parties.
@Derek Clayton Twigg: You're pretty ignorant when it comes to technology, aren't you?
Mr. Turner you got something wrong.
@Ellipsis marks are ... my friends: 1080p 30f or 1080i 60f is the basically the same.
@notfred: She filmed in a theater, got arrested (if out of greed doesn't matter in this case) and was lucky enough that the charges were dropped. Now she is suing for the time spend in jail (NOT INNOCENT) and you think she's entitled to 5k? For what?
@notfred: It's his right to get her arrested. Not her greed?
@Mootacoo: Giz does anything to burn Apple right now. Unfortunately they are losing a lot of credibilty along the way.
@notfred: She was arrested because she did something wrong. What has greed to do with it?